Showing Collections: 41 - 60 of 381
British Coke Research Association Archive
The collection consists of documents relating to the work of the British Coke Research Association (BCRA) and related bodies, and includes correspondence, minutes, reports, photographs, slides and films.
For further details of this collection please see the box list in the External Documents section below.
British Orienteering Federation Archive
British Union Collection
Buchan Theatre Programmes
A collection of programmes from musical concerts, dance performances, operas and theatre productions, mostly in London, 1989-2008.
Burke-Haviland Family Documents
Burley Manuscripts
Textbooks, offprints, newspaper cuttings, degree certificates, etc. of George William Burley, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield.
For further details of this collection please see the box list in the External Documents section below.
Caricatures Collection
Carver Papers
Catalan Collection
A collection of over 700 books and periodicals concerning Catalonia.
For further information about this collection please see the listing in the External Documents section below.
Catherine Lovett Archive
A collection of documents relating to the dialect poetry of Catherine A. (Cathy) Lovett.
For further details of this collection please see the finding aid/box list in the External Documents section below.
Cathy Ward Collection
This collection contains digital colour photographs of fairground rides, fairground art and showpeople from both travelling fairgrounds and amusement parks in Salzberg fair, Blackpool and various other places in the UK and abroad.
Celine Williams Collection
A collection of 5 black and white photographs, four relate to the Silcock Brothers' dodgems and arcades in the 1950s, and one to Whites' stall.
Changing Identities: Eastern Europeans in Bradford since 1945
This archive consists of audio cassette tape recordings, with some transcripts, of interviews with members of the ethnic Ukrainian community in Bradford in the 1990s, regarding their personal histories. Interviewees include family groups, family members of some of the people interviewed earlier, and younger people born in the UK of immigrant parents. In contrast to the earlier work of the 1980s, more than half the interviewees are women.
Chapman Manuscripts
The collection consists of lecture notes and papers relating to the teaching of Chemistry at The University of Sheffield by Arthur William Chapman, along with correspondence and papers concerning his invention of "a tube for indicating the extent of a thermal treatment".
Charles Taylor Collection
The Charles Taylor collection is a fine example of Taylor’s of Wombwell printers’ posters, which highlight changes in printing techniques, fashion and taste within the popular entertainment industry. Included are examples of posters for pantomimes, fairs and circuses. The collection also contains handbills and other advertising material.
Charlotte Norman Derbyshire well-dressing collection
The collection comprises manuscript, printed, photographic and audio items relating in the main to Charlotte Norman’s interest and academic research into the Derbyshire well-dressing custom. It also contains a number of academic folklore text books and journals, magazines, transparencies and photographs of corn dollies, canal boat art and Derbyshire calendar customs other than well-dressings.
Chinese Cultural Revolution Pamphlet Collection
A collection of almost 600 pamphlets, mainly in the English language, relating to the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
Chris Russell Collection
This collection contains five boxes of original photographic material including negatives and slides, a small amount of fairground journals, newspaper cuttings, correspondence, six audio tapes and a small amount of posters and handbills all related to the fairground and steam rally events.
Christopher Palmer Collection
Circus programmes and VHS tapes from Billy Smart’s Circus and Chipperfields’s Circus collected during the 1970s and early 1980s by the TV producer, Christopher John Palmer. There are also a number of promotional photographs of artistes and other ephemera related to the circus.
Circle Press Collection
A developing collection of artist and sculptor Ronald King’s works from his own private press.