Animal trainers
Found in 192 Collections and/or Records:
Bostock Menagerie Photographs, 1920 - 1934
Black and white photographs and postcards of Bostock and Wombwell menarie including images of the Bostocks and some perfomers, Bidewell and two photos of Alex Day with elephants.
Business Records, 1922 - 1969
Contracts and agreements for engagements on stage and on television, kept by Ralph Norman (aka Hal Denver) amd his wife, Olga Norman, who perfomred together as The Sensational Denvers, primarily in North America, but also in Mainland Europe, South America and the United Kingdom, as well as documentation relating to membership to professional associations, and personal family documentation.
Carlos Macmanus Animal Trainer Business Card, c1900 - 1999
Red, blue and black type and black and white illustrations of horse and elephant running with hand written note addressed to Linsay Temple on reverse.
Catalogue for the Sale of Van Amburgh's Whole Establishment, 18 March 1845
The Roman Amphitheatre, Cooper Street, Manchester. Blue type on white background containing the conditions of sale and listing of items to be auctioned including horses, wild animals and implements, also contains pencil annotations. Printed by S. A. Hurton, Printer, Queen Square, Liverpool, 4p.p.
Catalogues, 1844 - 1980
Catalogues of sale of circus property including Van Amburgh and Bertram Mills.
Charles Taylor Collection
The Charles Taylor collection is a fine example of Taylor’s of Wombwell printers’ posters, which highlight changes in printing techniques, fashion and taste within the popular entertainment industry. Included are examples of posters for pantomimes, fairs and circuses. The collection also contains handbills and other advertising material.
Chipperfield Circus Programmes, c1900 - 1999
Chipperfield Circus programmes including Chipperfield Brothers Circus and Sally Chipperfield Circus
Chipperfields Bingley Hall Xmas Circus Programme, c1900 - 1999
5th season. Colour illustration of white rearing horse on the right hand side, clown face on bottom left and black illustration of wild cat and tamer in cage on a green background on the front cover, inside black and white photographs of performers and acts with text, programme in the centre and commercial advertising, 8p.p
Chipperfields Bingley Hall Xmas Circus Programme, c1900 - 1999
6th season. Colour illustration of white rearing horse on the right hand side, clown face on bottom left and black illustration of wild cat and tamer in cage on a green background on the front cover, inside black and white photographs of performers and acts with text, programme in the centre and commercial advertising, 8p.p
Chipperfields Bingley Hall Xmas Circus Programme, c1900 - 1999
7th season. Colour illustration of white rearing horse on the right hand side, clown face on bottom left and black illustration of wild cat and tamer in cage on a green background on the front cover, inside black and white photographs of performers and acts with text, programme in the centre and commercial advertising, 8p.p
Chipperfield's Christmas Circus Programme, 19 November 1976
Thames Television invitation ticket admit one, David Hamilton Ringmaster, Mary Chipperfield and her elephants, poodles, monkeys and tigers, Los Alamos Wild West show, Herculeans Moustachioed strongmen, Bubi Ernesto and company clowns, Dick Chipperfield with panthers and leopards, Brucksons balance act, The Leotaris trapeze act. Contains tiger illustration, 4p.p.
Christopher Palmer Collection
Circus programmes and VHS tapes from Billy Smart’s Circus and Chipperfields’s Circus collected during the 1970s and early 1980s by the TV producer, Christopher John Palmer. There are also a number of promotional photographs of artistes and other ephemera related to the circus.
Circus Acts Gouache, c1900 - 1999
Circus Acts Gouache, c1900 - 1999
Gouache on card poster design. Colour illustration of many circus acts including elephants, two chimpanzees, on on stilts, one on a top horse, horses, six performing poodles led by a woman in a pink dress, acrobats and a clown, background image of circus ring with night sky above, no type.
Circus Films, c1950 - 1959
Circus Friends Association Collection
This collection consists of a large library of books and journals, as well as archival material including posters, programmes, photographs, films, handbills, research material, scrapbooks, original artwork and many other items of ephemera relating to British, Irish and European circuses
Circus Posters Printed by Taylor's of Wombwell, c1965 - 1979
Circus posters printed by Taylor's of Wombwell.
Circus Research Material, 1891 - 1935
Circus World Championships Programme, 1977
Clem Merks in Leopard Print Costume, c1930 - 1955
Black and white photograph of animal trainer, Clem Merks, shown in a leopard print costume outside a living caravan. Stamped on the reverse as the copyright of Captain A. E. Middleton.