Found in 4540 Collections and/or Records:
Victoria Craston, c1930 - 1950
Victoria Craston on stage in dress standing in front of a microphone.
Victoria Craston, c1930 - 1940
Victoria Craston on stage in long dress.
Victoria Craston, c1920 - 1940
Victoria Craston performing a juggling act on stage.
Victoria Palace Poster, c1951
London. Jack Hylton Presents the Crazy Gang in Knights of Madness. Contains colour illustration and photographs.
Victoria Theatre Poster, Wednesday 23 December 1964 - Saturday 23 Jaunary 1965
Broughton Bridge, Salford. Ken Platt in Mother Goose. Contains colour illustration. Printed by Llandudno Advertiser Ltd., Llandudno.
Victorian, Edwardian and Georgian Circus Posters, c1800 - 1930
Early circus and menagerie posters including Polito's menagerie, Astley's Amphitheatre and Pablo Fanque's, Sanger's, Powell's, Ducrow's, Cooke's and Hengler's circuses among others.
Villa Marina Poster, Summer season 1977
New Garden Room. Terry Reaney and his Orchestra, The Johnny Hilton Duo and Singers, Adult Talent Competition Finals, The Amazing Margoe’s Show, The Salamander, Show for children. Blue and red type on white background printed on two sided box office card.
Villadrome Ludworth Poster, 8 October c1950 -1959
Daisy Hays presents ‘Frivolity Revels’. Red and blue.
Violet Bartram Collection
Black and white photographs, negatives and postcards of fairgrounds, amusement parks, circus and performers, a newspaper cutting and a handbill.
Visual Material for Jewess Tattooess, c2000
Posters and other visual material for Jewess Tattooess.
Viva Brighton Programme, June 2019
Issue 76, listing programme of events contains colour photographs and information about the events and acts including Marisa's Zap cabaret show and commercial advertising, 50pp.
Vivian Rosaire, Ida Rosaire and a Horse, c1936 - 1950
Black and white postcard of Vivian Rosaire (also known as 'La Petit Vivienne') and Ida Rosaire. One of the women is shown in costume sitting bareback on a horse (thought to be Vivian Rosaire).
Vivian Rosaire, Ida Rosaire and a Horse, c1936 - 1950
Black and white postcard of Vivian Rosaire (also known as 'La Petit Vivienne') and Ida Rosaire. One of the women is shown in costume doing a trick on the back of a horse (thought to be Vivian Rosaire).
Vivian Rosaire, Ida Rosaire and Dennis Rosaire, c1936 - 1950
Black and white postcard of Vivian Rosaire (also known as 'La Petit Vivienne') and Ida Rosaire, dressed in costume (white sequined top and hot pants), with their brother, Dennis Rosaire (shirtless).
Vivian Rosaire, Ida Rosaire, Dennis Rosaire and Derrick Rosaire, c1936 - 1950
Black and white postcard of Vivian Rosaire, Ida Rosaire, Dennis Rosaire and Derrick Rosaire, dressed in Arabian style costume.
W. H. Wilkie Great Continental Circus Poster, 1956
Colour illustration of raoring tiger's head over a black background and blue, yellow and red type, location and date glued to the bottom section, signed by Pager. Printed by Aerigan Entertainments (Pty) Ltd, Central Press Durban
W. H. Wilkie Presents the Fabulous Dancing Waters Programme, c1900 - 1999
Colour illustration of woman playing a piano over a multicolour background on the front cover, inside introduction, black and white photographs on red background of acts and performers with text, programme in the centre and commercial advertising, 6p.p.
W. H. Wilkie se Wonderbaarlike Sirkus Poster, Friday 29 June 1956
Mafeking. Die Marsbewoners Kom Saam Met. Colour illustration of male and female trapeze act hanging from a flying saurcer in white, orange, yellow, blue and black blocks of colour, location and date glued to the bottom section, signed by Pager. Printed by Aerigan Entertainments (Pty) Ltd, Central Press Durban,
W. H. Wilkie's Super Big Top Circus Programme, 1957
Colour illustration of clown's face on left hand side over a blue background and red, green and black type on yellow background on the right on the front cover, inside introduction, black and white photographs and orange and white illustrations of acts and performers with text, programme in the centre and commercial advertising, 8p.p.