Found in 157 Collections and/or Records:
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 14 November 1921
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Talbot O’Farrell the Irish Entertainer, Gaston Palmer Juggling Comedian, Harry Ford Comedian, The Martinis Ballroom Dancers, Will Gardiner Comedian, Sisters Gannon Duettists, Brown’s Royal Bioscope in a Series of Novel and Interesting Pictures, Joseph P. Nolan presents Billy Morris Boxing Display. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 19 December 1921
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Tommy Mostol and Company in 'The Rest Cure', Tailleur Andrews Actor Vocalist, Bert Lindon and Will Moon in a Chocolate and White Vocal Entertainment, Sydney Edwards, the Card Master, Austin Layton Soprano, Carlos Menard Novelty Fiddler, The Two McCrans Eccentric Dancers, Brown’s Royal Bioscope in a Series of Novel and Interesting Pictures, Beaucaire and His Butlers Comedy Juggling. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 20 January 1930
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Pickard’s Chinese Syncopators in Musical Scena 'The Land Of Mah Jong', The Mongadors French Jugglers, George Betton Comedian, Anona Winn and Brett Davies, Jack Dukes the Singing Miller, Day Sisters, the Quarelsome Schoolgirls, Pathe’s Super News Gazette, Mae Baird and Archie Thompson Dancers From Down Under. Black and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 20 March 1916
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Jack and Evelyn in Their Latest Success, 'Carry On', Tom Hearn, the Lazy Juggler, Keir and Kempton Scotch Vocal Duo, Pynkie Whyte Californian Comedy, Harry Levaine Character Comedian, Harry Wenburn Comedian, P.J. Gillen and Company In Comedy Sketch, Rogers, Brown’s Royal Bioscope showing Daily News in Animation and the Latest War Pictures, Ruby Roya, a Radiant Personality. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 25 September 1916
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Gertie Gitana, Tom Purslow Burlesque Operatic Comedian, Fuji Family Japanese Jugglers and Equilibrists, George D’Albert Versatile Comedian, Frances and Alfred Juggler, Ivy Hurley Singer and Dancer, Brown’s Royal Bioscope showing Daily News in Animation and the Latest War Pictures, Wilbert Gamble Comedian, Fyne and Hurley Burlesque Comedians. Printed: None given but probably S Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 15 July 1918
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Talbot O’Farrell Witty Songs and Stories, The Piccadilians (Jessie, Estelle and Juliette) Musical Act, Babusio and Dax Comedy Acrobats and Tumblers, Jim C. Max in a Medley of Coon Songs and Dances, Gaye Gordon Comedienne, Royal Kondo Japanese Foot Juggler, Brown’s Royal Bioscope showing Latest War News in Animation, Molly Wells Chic Comedienne Assisted by Frank Mayban Some Bookworm Damage. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 19 August 1918
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Miss Margaret Cooper and a Piano, Billy Housini and Company Comedy Juggling and Balancing Act, Hal Wright Burlesque Comedian, Brothers Curran Boxing Comedians, Hayes and Doree Comedy Duo, Sisters Gaye Comediennes and Speciality Dancers, Brown’s Royal Bioscope Showing Latest War News in Animation, May Sherrard Comedienne. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 30 December 1918
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. 2 Rascals, Chas O’Donnell and Eddie Fields, Madge Velma and her Ruffles Lady Vocalists, Frank Keith Light Star Comedian, Francis and Alfred Juggler and Assistant, Stephanie Anderson Dancing and Instrumental Quick Change Act, Nona Dixie Comedy, Brown’s Royal Bioscope In a Series of Novel and Interesting Pictures, Ronez, the Broken Cellist. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 3 May 1920
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Whit Cunliffe Variety’s Greatest Song, Joe Mangin and Syd Kerbel Jolly Songs, Arthur Ferris Character Comedian, Zelinda Davies Singer, Tom Payne Musician Athlete, Junes(Ida and Grace) Mexican Speciality Dances, Massona Juggling Humorist, Brown’s Royal Bioscope in a Series of Novel and Interesting Pictures, De Wynne Brothers Classical Athletic Act. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 21 June 1920
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Jack and Evelyn, Jack Thomas Comedian, The Incomparable Damsell and Boy Juggling Equilibrist, We Three, Susie Belmore, Vera Vere, Dorothy Belmore, Ben Warris Comedian, Ernest St. George Vocal Enigma, Brown’s Royal Bioscope in a Series of Novel and Interesting Pictures, Zetta Mor Character Vocalist and Male Impersonator. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 7 April 1913
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 2 June 1913
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Willette Whitaker Vocalist Assisted by F. Wilbur Hill, Valazzi Juggler, Pedipulator and Aviator, Carr’s Juvenile American Ragtime Octette, Stacey and Williams In Their Drawing Room Interlude, Beatrice Allen Comedienne, Brown’s Royal Bioscope, Bella Chevaux Sporano Vocalist, Shirley and Ransome In Their Episode of Coster Life, 'The Seperation Order', George D’Albert Comedian. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 2 March 1914
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Nixon Grey Comedian, Mollie Lindsay and company in Scotch Sketch 'The Washing House Key!', Nelson Jackson Storyteller and Entertainer, Sisters Jerome Duettists and Dancers, Lloyd Morgan Comedian, Bros. Curran Boxing Comedians, Cooke Juggling Joker, Brown’s Royal Bioscope, Donovan Family Musical Act. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 10 April 1911
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. 2 Bobs (Bob Adams and Bob Alden) American Entertainers, Julian Mack Assisted by Miss Nellie Booth The Dame in Topical Talk, Holden’s Original Mannikins Vaudeville Entertainment in Miniature, Ted Waite Comedian, Cestra Juggling and Acrobatic Waiter, Boden, Wilson and Boden Speciality Dancers, Maude Vera Comedienne, Brown’s Royal Bioscope, Morny Cash Lancashire Lad. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 11 September 1911
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Charles R. Whittle, Daisy Wood Burlesque Actress and Comedienne, The Gascoignes Jugglers and Their Dog Bertha, Lulu Russel Californian Singer, Lyons Trio Pantomimic Novelty, Bertha De Pas Comedienne, Alec Kendal Comedian, Olga, Elga and Eli Hudson Musical Act, Kinemacolor The Only Existing Steroescopic Life Motion Pictures. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 10 February 1913
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Radford and Valentine Juggling Jesters, Maggie Benson Comedienne, Mr and Miss Debrean Japanese Entertainers, Henry Helme Singer from the French Alps, Haidee De Rance Violinist and Vocalist, Johnson and Bert Character Comedians, Victor Travers Eccentric Comedian, Brown’s Royal Bioscope, J.W. Rickaby Burlesque Comedian. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 24 February 1913
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Happy Fanny Fields Jolly Dutch Girl Character, Andy McLeod American Comedian, Instrumentalist, Raconteur, The Three Vims Juggling Act, Brothers Leo Comedians, Tom Stuart Burlesque Comedian, Silbon’s Cats Animal Training, Eily Adair Comedienne and Dancer, Brown’s Royal Bioscope, McConnell Trio Vocal Comedy Sketch, The Dayton Family, Comical Smart Acrobatic and Risley Display. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.
Astley's Royal Amphitheatre Programme, Monday 28 June 1852 and during the week
Austen Brothers London Festival Circus Programme, 1978
Brassy Searle Family equestrian act, Dakota Red Indians, Michael Austen’s Indian Elephants, Trio de Vel jugglers, Alun Davies and his 10 Poodles, Duo Fabry tight wire, Laredo Cowboys, The Lesters comedy trampoline act, Gina, Sonya trapeze, Professor Grimble and Company, Paulasz Sword balancers. Contains illustration on cover with photos. 8p.p.
Austen Brothers London Festival Circus Programme, 1979
Michael Austen’s Indian Elephants, Gina the Girl in the Moon aerial act, Alun Davies and his 10 Poodles, Tommy De-Vel and Vera jugglers, Terry Elflet dancing muscles, Austen Brothers Arabian horses presented by Jack Varney, Brian Austen’s African lions presented by John Benham, Mademoiselle Yolande foot juggler, Peter Norris Ringmaster, Professor Grimble clown. Contains illustration on cover with photos, 8p.p.