Showing Collections: 121 - 140 of 381
George Bolesworth Collection
Reels of 8mm and Super8 amateur, silent and colour film, shot by Mr George Bolesworth at various locations in England and Spain. All the themes are around, fairs and family activities such as holidays as well as other type of popular entertainments.
George Dawson Collection
The collection contains numerous photographs, newspaper cuttings relating to traction engines and 40 rally programmes.
George McIndoe Collection
Photographs, slides, newspaper cuttings related to the Biddall family and photographs of Kirkaldy Fair created for a documentary on Scottish fairs.
George Tucker Collection
This collection comprises fairground photographs and 3 members' cards, two from Yorkshire Stall Holders Association and one from the Yorkshire section of the Showmen's Guild
George Williams Collection
Collection of early films related to the first year of film-making in America and the United Kingdom and nineteenth century magic lantern slides, letter, film catalogues and photographic plates.
Gerry Cottle Collection
This collection contains material from Gerry Cottle’s personal collection and has examples of flyers, programmes, vouchers and posters from Cottle and Austen, Circus of Horrors and Cottle’s Circus
Glen Miller Collection
Layout plans and documentation for the administration of the Newcastle Hoppings Fair.
Glyn Documents
The collection consists of over 100 reports, both published and unpublished, relating to the UK coal industry during the years of the Great Strike (1984/1985) and the programme of pit closures which followed it. The reports are concerned with national matters and also with the viability of individual pits.
For further details of this collection please see the finding aid/box list in the External Documents section below.
Gordon Brotherston Papers
Graham Downie Collection
This collection contains photographs of ex-service showmen taking part in the 1994 Remembrance Day Parade, trade literature, calendars, posters, a monograph from the Alcester & District Local History Society and Charlie Merrin's paperwork for the 1989 centenary fair in Hyde Park.
Grayson East Asia Slide Collection
Grayson Papers
The collection consists of two parts: photocopied correspondence from James Huntley Grayson to his parents in America from Taiwan, Japan and Korea between 1965 and 1987; and field notes, research material, etc. compiled by James Huntley Grayson during research visits to Manchuria, Korea, Japan and Mongolia between 1982 and 2004.
For further details of this collection, please see the listing in the External Documents section below.
H. G. York Collection
Vinyl and cassette recordings of fairground organ music.
Hadow Manuscripts
A collection of both manuscript and printed musical works by Sir William Henry Hadow (1859-1937).
Hal Fisher Collection
The collection comprises Hal Fisher’s extensive research on Blackpool Tower Circus including an index of performers and a variety of research materials. The collection also contains photo albums and programmes taken from his work and travels.
Halley Maritime Collection
This collection consists of assorted research materials relating to marine convoys and those who played a part in them during the Second World War. It was assembled by Morgiana Halley for her PhD entitled “An Ethnography of Marine Convoys of World War II”, which was completed in 1996 at the University of Sheffield. The collection includes sound recordings of interviews, correspondence, primary documents, poems and songs, newspaper cuttings, photocopies and research notes.
Hamer Manuscripts
Hamilton Kaye Collection
Programmes, handbills, photographs and a digital copy of Hamilton Kaye's notebook which contained jokes and stories that he kept for using in his act.
Handby Celeine Collection
Posters, photographs, programmes, 1 piece of sheet music for six instruments and a small amount of business records and correspondence relating to the dancing and burlesque comedy on skates.
Harder Jonsson Collection
Photographs related to Harder Jonsson and his work at circuses such as the Riskett, Chipperfields and Jeserich Circus as an animal trainer, also some family photographs.