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Showing Collections: 101 - 120 of 381

Eric Waddington Collection

Reference code: NFA0022
Scope and Contents

Black and white photographs of early fairground rides and transport.

Dates: 1906 - 1955

Eshelby Manuscripts

Reference code: 144
Scope and Contents A collection of papers relating to work on materials science carried out by John Douglas Eshelby. The collection consists of correspondence, notebooks, research papers and miscellaneous documents relating to the working life of John Douglas Eshelby, notably relating to the subject area of materials science, but also including mathematics, theoretical physics, languages and archaeology.For further details of this collection please see the listing in the External Document section...
Dates: 1957 - 1981

European Union Nursing Documents

Reference code: 269
Scope and Contents Documents relating to the harmonisation of professional standards of nursing practice in the European Union, mainly relate to the period 1977 to 2000. They have been assembled by two professionally qualified nurses who represented the UK in the process, Dame Sheila Quinn and Thomas Keighley.Series 1 relates to the work of Dame Sheila Quinn, who was President of the Royal College of Nursing 1982-86 and Regional Nursing Officer, Wessex Regional Health Authority 1978-83, and who...
Dates: 1968 - 2000

Family La Bonche Project Collection

Reference code: NFA0113
Scope and Contents

Posters, a book, a postcard, project newspaper and 3 promotional handbills.

Dates: 2013 - 2014

Fascism in Europe Collection

Reference code: FAS1
Scope and Contents

A developing collection of books on the history of fascism on the continent of Europe and beyond in the twentieth century.

For further details of this collection please see the listings in the External Documents section below.

Dates: 1901 - 2015

Fascism in Great Britain Collection

Reference code: FAS2
Scope and Contents A collection of published and unpublished documents relating to Fascism and other right-wing movements in 20th century Britain up to the period of the demise of the Union Movement, but including critical and biographical material published after the period. It includes a number of rare pamphlets, and includes for the most part documents produced by the British Union of Fascists before 1940, as well as more overtly anti-Semitic material produced by organisations such as the Sons of Liberty...
Dates: 1901 - 2015

Fearnsides Collection

Reference code: FEA1
Scope and Contents A collection of printed books on geology assembled mainly by W.G. Fearnsides, Professor of Geology at the University of Sheffield from 1913 to 1945. The collection which bears Fearnsides´ name comprises books of historical interest of the 19th and 20th centuries, primarily but not exclusively relating to the British Isles, assembled by himself, with some later additions. The earliest title is a volume on fossils by James Parkinson: Organic remains of a former world (London,...
Dates: 1808 - 1990

Feickert Documents

Reference code: 202
Scope and Contents Documents relating to the work of Dave Feickert, former National Union of Mineworkers research officer 1983-1993.The collection consists of documents and working papers covering the period of the Great Strike (1984-85) and the subsequent privatisation and decline of the coal industry. It includes correspondence, newspaper and journal articles, and material published during the strike period. It also includes documents relating to clean coal technology, health and safety issues and...
Dates: 1972 - 2004

Fighting Cock Press / Pennine Poets Archive

Reference code: 406
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of documents relating to Fighting Cock Press and Pennine Poets, and includes proofs of many poems, correspondence, grant applications, log books, photographs, illustrations and cover art. There is also a collection of books published by Fighting Cock Press, and of issues of Pennine Platform, the journal of Pennine Poets.

For further details of this collection please see the finding aid/box list in the External Documents section below.

Dates: 1997 - 2018

Film Festivals Collection

Reference code: PE 25
Scope and Contents

A collection of material relating to film festivals. Includes programmes, newsletters and flyers relating to a wide range of Film Festivals, including Birmingham, Edinburgh, Leeds, London, Los Angeles and Thessaloniki.

For further details of this collection please see the finding aid/box list in the External Documents section below.

Dates: 1970 - 2005

Firth Ballads

Reference code: PE 31
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of 7 bound volumes containing over 700 ballads from the personal library of Sir Charles Harding Firth.

For digital images and finding aids for this collection please see the links in the external documents section below.

Dates: 19th century

Frank Larkworthy Collection

Reference code: NFA0045
Scope and Contents

Colour and black and white photographs of fairground transport taken by a variety of photographers, including Rod Spooner.

Dates: 1932 - 1992

Frankie Roberto Collection

Reference code: NFA0155
Scope and Contents

Photographs, programmes, plans, trade and advertising material, tickets, badges and other items of ephemera for British theme parks and attractions, including Alton Towers, Pleasure Land, Thorpe Park and Legoland.

Dates: c1900 - 2006

Fred Holmes Collection

Reference code: NFA0065
Scope and Contents

A collection of material including posters, programmes, handbills, newspaper cuttings and photographs relating to the shows of Jasper Redfern mainly in the Sheffield and surrounding areas. The collection was created by Fred Holmes who was a manager for Jasper Redfern of Sheffield, a pioneer of early film and exhibition. Jasper Redfern was the first man to show films in Sheffield. Also included in the collection is correspondence between Fred Holmes and Jasper Redfern.

Dates: c1895 - 1925

Freer Documents

Reference code: 370
Scope and Contents

Documents relating to the career of Walter Careless Freer, surgeon and early graduate of the Sheffield Medical School.

The collection consists of certificates and letters of recommendation relating to the career of Walter Freer from his entry into apprenticeship at the Sheffield Medical School in 1835 through a range of courses, applications and appointments.

Dates: 1835 - 1882

Gamblin Papers

Reference code: 303
Scope and Contents

Documents collected by David Gamblin, a PhD student at Sheffield University, whilst conducting research for his unfinished PhD thesis ‘Yorkshire and the American Civil War’, during the years 1996 to 1999.

For further details of this collection please see the finding aid in the external documents section below.

Dates: 1995 - 1999

Gaudern Lambe Collection

Reference code: NFA0034
Scope and Contents

Black and white and colour slides and negatives taken by Lewis Shepperton of March and Wisbech fairs in the 1950s.

Dates: c1950 - 1959

Geoff Stevens Collection

Reference code: NFA0130
Scope and Contents

Collection of circus books, journals and films.

Dates: 1930 - 2002

Geoffrey Bullough Collection

Reference code: GEO1
Scope and Contents

A collection of nineteenth and early twentieth-century printed novels assembled by Professor Geoffrey Bullough for the purposes of studying the literary representation of dialect and dialogue.

Dates: 1826 - 1922

Geoffrey Ford Librarianship Collection

Reference code: 432
Scope and Contents

Publications and papers from the work of Geoffrey Ford (1942-2011), University Librarian. The material is made up of reports, journals, newsletters, papers and books either authored by Geoffrey Ford or from his personal collection.

For further details of this collection please see the external documents section below.

Dates: 1963 - 2008

Filter Results

Additional filters:

National Fairground and Circus Archive 151
Special Collections and Archives 229
University Archive 1
Acrobats 19
Adult education 6
Aerialists 19
Amusement parks 16
Amusement rides 89
∨ more  
Arabic 2
Aromanian; Arumanian; Macedo-Romanian 1
Catalan; Valencian 2
Chinese 4
Croatian 1
∨ more  
Acres, Birt, 1854 - 1918 2
Allan, Alastair J., Active 1970s - 2015 2
Althoff Circus (c1675 - 1999) 2
Anderton and Rowland (Established c1854 - 1879) 5
Argyle Theatre of Varieties (c1868 - 1945) 2
∨ more
Arnold, Tom, 1897 - 1969 2
Aspland, George, 1836 - 1911 2
Aspland-Howden (c1875 - 1915) 2
Astley's Amphitheatre (1773 - 1891) 3
Astley, Philip, 1742 - 1814 2
Austen Brothers Circus (Established 1974) 3
B. Cole & Sons (Amusements) Ltd (Established 1890) 2
Barnum & Bailey Circus (1881 - 1919) 2
Barrett, Norman, Born 1935 3
Battersea Park Amusement Park (1858 - 1972) 2
Beatty, Clyde, 1903 - 1965 2
Belle Vue (1836 - 1982) 5
Bertram Mills Circus (1920 - 1967) 9
Beverly Sisters (c1943 - 2009) 2
Big Daddy, 1930 - 1997 2
Billy Smart's Circus (c1946 - 2006) 9
Bird, Margaret, c1900 - 1999 2
Blackpool Pleasure Beach (Established 1896) 4
Blackpool Tower Circus (Established 1894) 5
Bobby Robert's Super Circus (1993 - 2011) 2
Bostock and Wombwell Menagerie (c1846 - 1931) 4
Boswell's Circus (1882 - 2015) 3
Bradley, Philip W, Active 1920 - 1999 2
Braithwaite, David, 1932 - 1982 4
British Fairground Society (BFS) (Established c1950) 3
British Union of Fascists (1932 - 1940) 6
Buffalo Bill, 1846 - 1917 4
Buller, Redvers Henry, General, Sir, 1839 - 1908 2
Cairoli, Charlie, 1910 - 1980 5
Calladine, Neil, Born 1951 2
Carl Hagenbeck Circus (c1893 - 1907) 2
Carters Steam Fair (1977 - 2022) 4
Centre for Luxembourg Studies (University of Sheffield) (Established 1995) 2
Chapman, Ellen, 1831 - 1899 3
Chipperfield's Circus (Established c1800) 7
Chipperfield, Mary, 1938 - 2014 3
Circus Knie (Established 1803) 4
Circus Krone (Established 1905) 4
Circus Pinder (Established 1854) 3
Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus (Established c1957) 3
Cole Bros. Circus (c1884 - 1957) 3
Collins, Pat (Patrick), 1859 - 1943 3
Cottle, Gerry, 1945 - 2021 3
Crystal Palace (1851 - 1936) 4
Dodd, Ken, 1927 - 2018 3
Drury Lane Theatre (Established c1660) 3
Duffy's Circus (Established c1800) 3
Electric (Modern) Printing Company (c1930 - 1991) 3
Fairground Association of Great Britain. (FAGB) (Established 1977) 6
Fossett's Circus (Established c1870 - 1879) 5
Friendship Circle of Showland Fans. (FCSF) (c1940 - 1969) 5
Gandey's Circus (Established c1918) 4
George Orton, Sons & Spooner Ltd (1875 - 1977) 3
Gerry Cottle's Circus (1974 - 2003) 3
Great Yarmouth Hippodrome (Established 1903) 3
Hengler Grand Cirque (1844 - 1924) 3
Holland Amusements (Initiated c1870) 3
Horne, Thomas, Reverend, c1850 - 1918 3
Innes Smith, Robert William, 1872 - 1933 3
J.W. Shaw Amusements (Initiated c1860 - 1889) 3
Jolson, Al, c1886 - 1950 3
Krebs, Hans Adolf, Sir, 1900 - 1981 3
Ling's Family Amusements (Initiated c1850 - 1859) 3
Lord George Sanger Circus (Established c1880) 6
Lord John Sanger Circus (Established c1880) 4
Mellors Group Events (Established 1890) 3
Merchant, Billy (Little Billy), 1919 - 2001 3
Mills, Cyril Bertram, 1902 - 1991 3
National Centre for English Cultural Tradition (NATCECT) (1975 - 2008) 16
National Fairground and Circus Archive. NFCA (Established 1994) 3
Norman, Tom, 1860 - 1930 (The Silver King) 3
Olympia London (Established 1886) 5
P.C. Sorcar, Junior, Born 1946 3
Pat Collins Fun Fairs (Established 1899) 3
Paulo Circus (Established c1900 - 1910) 3
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus (1919 - 2017) 6
Robert Brothers Circus (Established 1944) 3
Rosaire's Circus & Zoo (Established 1904) 5
Sanger's Allied Circus (Established 1854) 3
Sanger, George, 1825 - 1911 7
Sanger, John, 1819 - 1889 5
Shufflebottom Family, c1870 - 1998 4
Smith, George Charles Moore, 1858 - 1940 3
The Agricultural Hall (1862 - 1943) 3
The Kursaal (1894 - 2020) 3
The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain (Established 1889) 17
Toulmin, Vanessa, Professor, Born 1967 4
Union Movement (1948 - 1973) 3
University of Sheffield (Established 1828) 26
University of Sheffield Library (Established 1879) 7
W. E. Berry Ltd (1888 - 2004) 3
Waddington's Funfairs (Initiated c1860 - 1899) 3
Wilsons Group Services (Established c1860) 4
World's Fair Publications Limited (Established 1904) 12
Zippos Circus (Established 1986) 3
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