Showing Collections: 21 - 40 of 385
Ben Jackson Collection
This collection contains 16 posters, 2 handbills, 2 programmes and a small amount of business records, trade material and correspondence relating to Ben Jackson's banjo variety act.
Bernard Fielding Collection
Photographs and scrapbooks compiled by Bernard Fielding. Each scrapbook contains a mixture of press cuttings including Fairground Mercury and World’s Fair, photographs, postcards, Paul Braithwaite history and patent material. Augmented by handwritten notes and research from other enthusiasts.
Bernth Lindfors Collection
Slides of black popular entertainment performers, part of Professor Lindfors research for Early Black Enteratinments Abroad: From the Hottentot Venus to Africa's First Olympians book.
Betty Hunt Papers
A collection of research papers relating left wing drama and theatre in Sheffield and elsewhere in the late 1930s, gathered by Betty Hunt when researching for a PhD in the School of English at the University of Sheffield in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
For further details of the Betty Hunt Papers please see the box list in the External Documents section below.
Bill Barnes Collection
Programmes, posters and photographs mainly related to the Poole family's travelling Myriorama show.
Bill Garbett Collection
Colour and black and white photographs mainly taken by Bill Garbett of fairgrounds, fairground rides, fairground organs and transport owned by Pat Collins Fun Fair, Carters Steam Fair and the showman Alfred Stevens.
Bill Weeks Collection
This collection contains photographs of fairgrounds and steam engines, journal articles, newspaper cuttings, correspondence and books on railways, engineering, fairgrounds and other related topics.
Billy Bellhouse Collection
Photographs, handbills, newspaper reports and financial records relating to Billy Bellhouse and his life as a wall of death rider as well as other performers.
Billy Coats Collection
This Collection contains Black and white photographs of fairground rides and people associated to the rides around Stirling.
Billy Wood Collection
Collection of material related to Billy Wood travelling boxing booth, containing business records, photographs, correspondence, programmes, posters and other items of ephemera.
Birks Drawings
Birt Acres Collection
This collection contains a small amount of archival items and artefacts which belonged to Birt Acres and his son Sidney Birt Acres. The collection also includes books on early cinema, which were used as research material by Alan Acres, while writing ‘Frontiersman to Film-Maker’, and represent the archive created in the process.
Bob Chase Collection
Black and white photographs of fairground people by Bob Chase, produced for his final university year project, also includes contact prints, negatives and notes.
Bonett Manuscripts
Bownas Recordings
Bradley Documents
Brendan Walker Collection
Colour portrait photographs of people on thrill fairground rides by Brendan Walker.
Brian Steptoe Collection
An audio cassette recording of a conversation between Maggie Bird (formerly Mrs. Margaret Waddington and nee Shufflebottom) and Brian Steptoe on 15th June, 1993 at Bramerton, Norfolk. There is a ten page transcript to accompany the recording.
Britain and the Refugee Crisis, 1933-1947
British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions Collection
Minutes of meetings of the British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions and some historical information regarding the organisations’ anniversary celebrations.