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Correspondence received by Robert Saunders P-Z, 1947 - 1948

 File — Box: Saunders Papers Box 11
Reference code: 119/C11/279-356

Scope and Contents

Correspondence received by Robert Saunders, following his release from prison where he had been interned under Defence Regulation 18B, and when he was in contact with other detainees and former local members of the British Union (BU). Accompanied by correspondence concerning the Wessex Book Club, and his involvement in the Union Movement.

Including letters from:

“Peoples Post. Incorporating the Bedford News-Letter”. Edited by John Beckett flyer for subscription [n.d.] (C11/279)

Ministry of Fuel and Power (C11/280). Refusal to increase supplementary petrol allowance (April 1948)

Mr and Mrs Hood Phillips (C11/281). Do not wish to receive further communications (January 1947)

George Pownall (C11/282-283). Includes references the Wessex and West of England Book Clubs Rally on 13 July 1947 (282); Meeting of Wessex Book Club members (with Raven Thomson, Flockhart and others) concerning the future of the Book Clubs at Boscombe on 25 January 1947, hopes for Book Club in Guildford area and antisemitic views (283)

British Railways, Southern Region (C11/284-285)

Mrs Dora G. Ratcliff (C11/286), regarding meeting with Saunders and Elliott, and subscription to “Mosley News Letter” (March 1947)

Alexander Raven Thomson [18B detainee] (C11/287-302), sales of “Union” [n.d.] (287); appeal for contributions to Van Fund (October 1947) (298), Thomson & Smith Ltd Progress Report [January 1948] (288-289); change of address to Union House, London (November 1947) (2 copies); acknowledgement of contribution to Van Fund and debenture (October 1947) (295-296); unsolicited supply of three dozen copies of “Mosley” (September 1947) (299-300); circular re “Mosley” pamphlet, signed by Raven Thomson [n.d.] (301); now a limited company [n.d.] (302); circular advertising Literature Sales Organisation, London [n.d.] (290); flyer for “The Alternative” [n.d.] (294)

“Review of World Affairs” (C11/303). Advertising circular from Kenneth de Courcy, with complaints about the condition of Britain (March 1948)

“John” [R?] (C11/304)

Royal Hotel, London (C11/305)

Rural Reconstruction Association (C11/306-310). Including List of Members on 1 January 1948 (306); “What it is, what it does” (September 1946) (309) and an appeal for new members (November 1946) (310)

J. P. Sheddick, Secretary, Mayflower Book Club, Plymouth (C11/311-320). Includes a sample enrolment form for Mayflower Book Club (311); letter concerning Wessex and West of England Book Clubs Rally on 13 July 1947 (312-313); enrolment forms and Mayflower Book Club (March [1947]) (314-316); Salisbury and Wessex Book Clubs Dinner at Boscombe on 25 January 1947 (317-319) and formation of Mayflower Book Club at Plymouth (January [1947]) (320)

Soil Association Ltd, Haughley, Suffolk (C11/321), concerning his membership signed by Jorian Jenks H.M. Stationery Office (C11/322-325)

Mrs Gladys Stephenson (C11/326), concerning London Sales Conference on 15 November 1947, and mention of Burgess meetings and Labour meetings [n.d.]

Dr Humphrey Meigh Stephenson [18B detainee] (C11/327), regarding donation [n.d.]

C. H. Sureties (C11/328), concerning news of current life in London (January 1947)

H.M. Inspector of Taxes, Dorchester (C11/329)

Dorset Lawn Tennis Association (C11/330-331), regarding participation in 1947 Men’s Singles Championship. Joe Thatcher, Branch Leader, Salisbury, UM and Mrs Amy Thatcher (C11/332)

Alexander Thomas, Secretary, Wessex Book Club (Southampton) [18B detainee] (C11/333), regarding Central Book Club Gathering on 21 December 1946.

Tilleys Motor Engineers, Dorchester (C11/334-335)

Unity Publishing Co., London (C11/336), concerning sample copy of “Unity” (signed by V. C. Burgess) [n.d.]

Dr Margaret Vivian (C11/337-339), Includes comments on social attitudes (January 1948) (337) and doubts about Union Movement (December 1947) (339)

Charlie F. Watts [18B detainee] (C11/340-344), concerning leaving Central Book Club and moving to Cornwall (November 1947) (340-341); telegram regarding cancelled dance (20 December 1946) (342); Central Book Club Gathering on 21 December 1946 (343-344) John Alban Webster [18B detainee] (C11/345), regarding problems of Book Club in Bristol (November 1947)

Weymouth Public Library (C11/346), regarding donation of Mosley books (December 1947)

Jack K. W. Wheatley (C11/347), concerning farm employment (January 1948)

Mrs Muriel Whinfield [18B detainee] (C11/348), concerning Salisbury and Wessex Book Club Dinner at Boscombe on 25 January 1947. George T. Wiltshire (C11/349-351). Including references to membership to Union Movement and subscription to “Union” (April 1948) (349); West of England Book Clubs Gathering at Salisbury on 25 October 1947 (350)

James A. Wonfor, Branch Treasurer, Dorchester, Union Movement [18B detainee] (C11/352-356). Includes references to Wessex and West of England Book Clubs Rally at Whitechurch on 13 July 1947 (353) and Wessex Book Club accounts (August [1946]) (356)


  • Creation: 1947 - 1948


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