Box Sanger Family Box 1
Contains 6 Results:
Research Material, c1900 - 2018
Various photocopies relating to Margate, Dreamland, Hall by the Sea, Sanger Circus and animal performance.
Newspaper Cuttings, 1903 - 1911
Photocopies of newspaper cuttings about George Sanger's Circus and George Sanger's murder.
Monographs and Research Material , c1900 - 2018
Photocopies of photographs and articles related to George Sanger, Sanger Circus and other related history and a biography of George Sanger.
A Biography of George Sanger, c1990 - 2000
Manuscript by June Dick about George Sanger's life, 10pp. Black pen and ink on ruled paper, text only on one side of the pages.
George Sanger's Last Will and Testament, c1890 - 1910
Photocopy of George Sanger's Will and Last Testament. Typewrite, 3pp. typed on one side of the page.
Ringling Brother's Circus Annual, 1901
Boooklet containing black and white photographs and text listing performers and workers. Also contains the official programme and the itenerary of the circus in the USA with images of different locations including, buildings, cotton plantations and other agricultural scenes with workers and some feature articles.