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National Centre for English Cultural Tradition (NATCECT) (1975 - 2008)



  • Existence: 1975 - 2008
  • Usage: 1997 - 2008
  • Usage: 1975 - 1997


The Sheffield Survey of Language and Folklore was begun in 1964 at the University of Sheffield, to collect material and provide an academic resource centre, and its journal Lore and Language was launched in 1969. The Survey formed the basis of the Centre for English Cultural Tradition and Language (CECTAL), inaugurated in 1975 within the University's Department of English to bring the folklore teaching into a unified programme. CECTAL was renamed the National Centre for English Cultural Tradition (NATCECT) in 1997. It closed in 2008 and its holdings were transferred to the University of Sheffield Library and Sheffield Archives. (Taken from A Dictionary of English Folklore by Jacqueline Simpson and Steve Roud).