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W. E. Berry Ltd (1888 - 2004)



  • Existence: 1888 - 2004


The W.E. Berry Ltd printing company was founded by William Edward Berry in the early 1900s after taking over his father’s printing company and splitting with his business partner. The original company had been founded by William Berry in 1888 at 13 Currer Street in Bradford to print advertising posters. Business soon started to specialise in the railway and entertainment sector, specially the circus industry and over time became one of the most significant printers of entertainment posters in the UK.

In the 1920s the company started to print posters for the film industry after W.E. Berry met Fred Martin at Paramount Pictures. This developed into a lucrative partnership with Berry becoming one of only three companies in Britain to specialise in printing large format posters. Successive contracts with Disney and Columbia arrived, turning Berry into one of the leading producers and distributors of film posters in the UK. Some of the most famous posters include Star Wars (1977) and Flash Gordon (1980).

The mid of the twentieth century saw the production of Berry’s most beautiful and sought posters in the entertainment sector and the company continued experiencing success until the end of the late 1990s when it employed around 140 people, including Chief Illustrator Leon Crossley and a team of freelance commercial artists. However, by the early twentieth century Berry’s fortunes started to turn and after heavy financial losses the company went into administration in 2004, ceasing business on the 4th day of February that year.

Found in 147 Collections and/or Records:

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1959

Reference code: 178R47.191
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul clowns, Schickler Sisters, Josef Wiesner's 7 tigers presented by Helene Pimmer, Knie's log rolling elephants presented by Ruppert Bemmerl, 4 Palacios, Eldino and assistant, Trio Morlidor, Tibor Alexander's dogs, The Great Barton, The Great Pusztai Troupe, Carmel Gowan, The Two Angelos, 4 Dubowys, Knie's Tiger horses presented by Edith Schickler, Knie's 18 ponies presented by Ingrid Schickler, Hoppe's kicking mule. Colour illustrations of a clown, an elephant and a...
Dates: 1959

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1957

Reference code: 178R47.192
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul, Krone's ponies and polar bears presented by Jozsi Vinicky, Krone's Arabian horses presented by Doris Arndt, Excess Baggage presented by Alma Michaels, Flying Marilees, Five Cristianis, Nino Rubio, Bedini Troupe, Yokoi Troupe, Aerial Chapmans, Little Jimmy, Golden Linders, Frances Duncan. Colour illustrations of a clown, monkeys in clothes, a polar bear balancing on a ball, two horses, two ponies pulling carts and a man on a ladder balancing teacups on his head,...
Dates: 1957

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1963

Reference code: 178R47.193
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli and his Company, The Great Pusztai Troupe, The Flying Zemgannos, Los Onas, Rudi Llata, Ruppert's bears, Knie's lions, tigers, leopards, polar bear, panthers and black bear presented by Eugen Weidmann, Baranton Sisters, Robert Brothers's elephants presented by Edith Schickler, Sacha Houcke's Ben-Hur, Roman riding, Sacha Houcke and Edith Schickler high school act, The Hermanis, Desmond and Marks, The Bearis. Colour illustrations of a clown, a lion, a tiger, a polar bear, and...
Dates: 1963

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1962

Reference code: 178R47.194
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli and his Company, The Bronleys, Hugh Forgie and Company, Circus Williams' lions presented by Miss Yvonne, The 2 Carmenas, Circus Knie's Norweigan and Legion horses, zebras and ponies presented by Franz Althoff, The Diors Sisters, Circus Knie's animal carousel presented by Franz Althoff, The Four Soranis, 2 Dominicis, Willem Lenz and his chimpanzees, Tiber Alexander's Canine Revue, Desmond and Marks, Circus Knie's 4 elephants presented by Joseph Hack, Dagenham girl piper....
Dates: 1962

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1966

Reference code: 178R47.195
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli and his Company, Gerd Siemoneit's lions, tigers, leopards, pumas and panther, Ruppert's bears, Rogana, Seven Lukacs, Jörgen and Conny, Desmond and Marks, Circus A. Althoff's Eight Arab Liberty horses presented by Franz Althoff Jnr, Maryse Begary, Tower Circusettes, Roberto Mariani Trio, Triple High School by Franz Althoff Jnr, Elene Althoff and Evi Barrtch, 5 Medifreds, The Ascots. Colour illustrations of a clown, a leopard, a panther and a bear on a tall bicycle, type and...
Dates: 1966

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1967

Reference code: 178R47.196
Scope and Contents

Charlie Cairoli and his Company, Flying Leotaris, Taras Bulba and his tigers, Max and Barbara Morris with their sea-lions, Tibor Alexander and his Dog Revue, The 3 Villams, Tower Circusettes, Baily Fossettt's elephants and ponies presented by Ivor Rosaire, The Great Barton, Jean Claude, Gina The Girl in the Moon, Goldy the horse with Jack Rosaire, The Gerardis, Desmond and Marks, The Wilsons. Colour illustration of a clown, type and background multicoloured. Printed by W. E. Berry Ltd.

Dates: 1967

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1965

Reference code: 178R47.197
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli and his Company, Ferdinando Jarz Troupe, Robert Bros 5 baby elephants presented by Dickie Baker, 3 Merkys, D'Angoly Jnr, Arno and Rita Van Bolen, The Tower Circusettes, Circus A. Althoff's Liberty horses presented by F R Althoff, Circus A Althoff's Shetland ponies presented by Helene Althoff, Hoppe's kicking mule, 8 Jungle Queens presented by Captain Sidney Howes, 6 Biasinis, 5 Olanders, Skating Bredos, Dogsi's football dogs, The Trio Puerto Rico, Alma Piana. Colour...
Dates: 1965

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1964

Reference code: 178R47.198
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli and his Company clown, The Flying Marilees, Lilian Daniels and her polar bears, Konyot's chimpanzee rodeo, The Four Rodriguez, Circus Schumann's 12 Liberty horses presented by Billy Baker, Desmond and Marks, The Guttenbergs, Fuzzy-Ball Kaye and Tiny Tommy Gallaher, Kimi Yokoi, See-Hee Troupe, Bartschelly, Evelyn Hans and her poodles, Rudi Llata. Colour illustrations of clowns, a chimp dressed as a cowboy, a polar bear, the 4 Rodriguez, Kimi Yokoi and two poodles, main...
Dates: 1964

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1955

Reference code: 178R47.203
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul clowns, Harry Belli and his lions, Armand Guerre's musical sea lions, Scriplini and his chimpanzees, Trampo-Tempo, 5 Armandis, The Cuban Boys, 2 Berty Borest, Alcetty, 3 Orfatis, Wenzel Kossmayer with Knie's horses and 6 baby elephants, The Garlands, Traffic Lights, Giant and Midget presentations, Western playtime and Spanish Fiesta presented by Douglas Kossmayer, The Tower Circusettes, Frances Duncan. Colour illustrations of a clown, four chimpanzees, three lions,...
Dates: 1955

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1956

Reference code: 178R47.204
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul, Krone's tigers presented by Gilbert Houcke, Edith Crocker's bears, Five D'Angoly's, See-Hee Troupe, The Heltanos, The Zemgannos, Tom and Jerry, Theda Sisters, The Matanzas, Tibor Dog, Alexander's Revue, King Kong, Krone's Arab stallions, the golden horses Pegasus with the elephant Lony, Piebald stallions and Shetland ponies presented by Jozsi Vinicky. Colour illustrations of a clown, four tigers, a strongman, dogs on a slide, horses, a chimpanzee climbing a pole,...
Dates: 1956

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, c1950 - 1959

Reference code: 178R47.205
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul and Company, Knie's sea lions presented by Miss Hella, Gilbert Houcke with the Royal Bengal tigers, Pierre Alizes with Jacques and Maryse, The Seven Ashtons, Roberto Chiesa and Partner, The 3 Peters, Baudy's greyhounds and monkeys, Knie's 12 black horses presented by Maurice Houcke, The Dorchesters with the 3 Scott Boys, Eileen, Jean, Anne and Hilary presented by Delbosq, The 3 Goetschis, The Balcombes, The Laconas, The Dorocinas presented by Delbosq, Jimmy Scott,...
Dates: c1950 - 1959

Blackpool Tower Circus Posters, c1930 - 1990

Reference code: 178R47.141-212
Scope and Contents

Posters for Blackpool Tower Circus including shows by Knie's Circus, Circus Krone, Circus Schumann, Bertram Mills Circus, Robert Brothers Circus and performances by Charlie Cairoli, Doddles, Coco the Clown, The Rosaires, Lilly Yokoi, Alfred Court, Vojtek Trubka, The Great Wallendas and Mary Chipperfield among others.

Dates: c1930 - 1990

Business Records from W.E Berry Printers, 1993 - 1998

 File — Box Smart Family Collection Box 7: Series 178H21
Reference code: 178H21.47
Scope and Contents

Includes quotations, copies of posters, invoices, statements of account, samples of printing paper and sketches.

Dates: 1993 - 1998

Chipperfield Circus Posters, c1950 - 1999

Reference code: 178R47.213-354
Scope and Contents

Chipperfield Circus posters including Chipperfield Circus, Chipperfield Brothers Circus, Sally Chipperfield's Circus, Circus Spectacular, Chipperfields Europe's Greatest Circus, Chipperfield's Bingley Hall Xmas Circus, Mary Chipperfield's Circus and Jimmy Chipperfield's Circus among others.

Dates: c1950 - 1999

Chipperfields Circus and Menagerie Poster, c1950 - 1999

Reference code: 178R47.223
Scope and Contents

Kidderminster, 19 to 21 May. Chipperfield's performing lions, Argentina's performing bulls, The Astrals, Marseline, John's wonderful performing dogs, Susan high school horse, Chipperfield's performing bears, The Gridneffs, Jix, Jax and Max, Chipperfield's elephants, Jimmy Chipperfeild presents his Bengal tigers, Fiery Jack and Co clowns, Banana and Sausage clowns. Printed by W. E. Berry Ltd.

Dates: c1950 - 1999

Chipperfield's Circus Poster, Wednesday 29 June - Sunday 3 July c1994

Reference code: 178R27.192
Scope and Contents

Ynys. Contains colour illustration. Printed by W.E. Berry Ltd. Bradford.

Dates: Wednesday 29 June - Sunday 3 July c1994

Chipperfields Europe's Largest Circus and Menagerie Poster, c1950 - 1999

Reference code: 178R47.224
Scope and Contents Cheeky Chimps, featuring the stilt walking chimp, Fiery Jack and his streamlined car, the horse riding sea lion troupe, great group of polar and brown bears, Western carousel, Raluy presents the triple somersaulting car, the horse on the flying trapeze, Cheif Eagle Eye sharp-shooting, Alola the Jungle princess with her Bengal tigers, 3 Henris thrills in the air, elephant spectacle presented by Wenzel Kossmayer, 12 thoroughbred racehorses and Palominos, Valnohas, unicycles, exotic act...
Dates: c1950 - 1999

Chipperfields Europe's Largest Circus and Menagerie Poster, 1955

Reference code: 178R47.225
Scope and Contents Miss Stella's sea lions, 16 elephants, Roman chariot racing, The Camileo Mayer high wire troupe, 70 horses, the exotic group, camels, llamas, zebras and George the giraffe, 18 grizzly and polar bears, The Kalev's human statues, The Tarzanovas flying trapeze, Chipperfields cheeky chimps, Les French comedy, 12 African lions, high school act, The Domis wirewalkers, John's performing poodles, 3 Henris trapeze. Colour illustration of Roman chariot racers, announcement that the show is new glued...
Dates: 1955

Christopher Palmer Collection

Reference code: NFA0105
Scope and Contents

Circus programmes and VHS tapes from Billy Smart’s Circus and Chipperfields’s Circus collected during the 1970s and early 1980s by the TV producer, Christopher John Palmer. There are also a number of promotional photographs of artistes and other ephemera related to the circus.

Dates: 1973 - 1983

Circus Friends Association Collection

Reference code: NFA0122
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of a large library of books and journals, as well as archival material including posters, programmes, photographs, films, handbills, research material, scrapbooks, original artwork and many other items of ephemera relating to British, Irish and European circuses

Dates: 1795 - 2020

Additional filters:

Archival Object 144
Collection 3
Acrobats 25
Aerialists 48
Animal trainers 14
Animals 110
Art 1