Found in 164 Collections and/or Records:
Account Books, 1948 - 1977
Account ledgers containing information about memberships, subscriptions and funds. Manuscript.
Army and Navy Stores Valuation, March 1954
Bound valuation of the Showmen's Guild's furniture and effects at Abbey House, Victoria Street, London, lising the contents of the building and their value for insurance purposes.
Business Records, 1931 - 1956
Various business records related to the Dobson family's business in the faiground.
Business Records, 1925 - 1950
Taking books, receipts, correspondence, licences and Showmen's Guild membership records.
Business Records, 1889 - 2003
Business records containing minutes of meetings, financial records, documents related to legislation and urban planning, Showmen's Guild diaries, year books, records on the campaigns run by the Showmen on the defence of Mitcham, Norwich, Manchester, Nottingham and Cambridge fairs.
David Braithwaite Collection
This collection contains photographs taken by David Braithwaite from the 1950s and used towards his publications alongside older images collected from other sources as well as business records, monographs, articles, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, advertising material, bibliographies, catalogues, programmes, films and some other miscellaneous items.
Documents Related to Newcastle Town Moor Fair, 20 - 29 June 2003, 1989
Event manual, zone wardens' handbook and site permit application forms.
George McIndoe Collection
Photographs, slides, newspaper cuttings related to the Biddall family and photographs of Kirkaldy Fair created for a documentary on Scottish fairs.
George Tucker Collection
This collection comprises fairground photographs and 3 members' cards, two from Yorkshire Stall Holders Association and one from the Yorkshire section of the Showmen's Guild
Glen Miller Collection
Layout plans and documentation for the administration of the Newcastle Hoppings Fair.
Graham Downie Collection
This collection contains photographs of ex-service showmen taking part in the 1994 Remembrance Day Parade, trade literature, calendars, posters, a monograph from the Alcester & District Local History Society and Charlie Merrin's paperwork for the 1989 centenary fair in Hyde Park.
Harpenden Statute Fair, December 2019
Photograph of the poster and digital files relating to the Harpenden Statute Fair.
Hendon and Edmonton Opposition Book, 1928 - 1929
Hendon Urban District Council arrangement of sections containing information about extensions of existing districts, streets, buildings, sewage and drains, infectious disease and sanitary provisions, parks, baths, public buildings, lands, street trading, financial and miscellaneous with added petitions to the Council from the Showmen's Guild including correspondence related to the petitions. Typescript with some handwritten annotations.
Inspection Certificates, 1977 - 1978
Invoices and Receipts, 1931 - 1956
Invoices and receipts related to the Dobson family business in the fairground, including correspondence with the Showmen's Guild, the purchase of a juvenile ride, application for ground at Birmingham Onion Fair and market and fair tolls.
Manchester Corporation Bill Opposition, 1949 - 1950
Contains documents related to the opposition to the Manchester Corporation Bill including information on Manchester fairs and petitions to the council.
Marshall and Scott Family Collection
Membership Cards, 1924 - 1974
Showmen's Guild, Midland Section membership cards for J. Dobson, Tom Dobson senior and S. Dobson.
Memberships, Appeals and Subscriptions Ledger, 1949 - 1971
Ledger containing membership returns by Showmen't Guild sectiona and breakdown of voting memberships by section of the Showmen's Guild. Manuscript.
Memorandum on Travelling Fairs, February - March 2000
Memorandum to the Environment Sub-Committee of Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee on Travelling Fairs and the inclusion of the showmen in town planning, prepared by David J. Loveday.