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Subject Source: Uk Archival Thesaurus (Ukat)

Found in 1270 Collections and/or Records:

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 29 January 1900

Reference code: 178R12.121
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. The Garrisons Burlesque Artiste, Four M.P.’s Musical Palmers, The Kronemans Comedy Acrobats and Hand Balancers, Madden Wood Knockabout Comedians, Evelyn Taylor Serio Comic Vocalist and Dancer, Daisy Palmer Comedienne, Vocalist and Dancer, The Edison Thomas Animated Photos Interesting and Military Pictures, The Donato One-Legged Grotesque and Cosmopolitan Athletic Clowns. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, typeers, Liverpool. Blue, red and yellow type.

Dates: 29 January 1900

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 15 February 1900

Reference code: 178R12.122
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead . The McConnell Family, The Two Neros in "Antics in a Public Bar", Edith St. Clair Serio Comedienne and Burlesque Actress, Lancashire Quartette Lady Vocalists and Dancers, Mark Haldane Character Comedy, Eily Adair Serio Comic Vocalist and Top-boot Dancer, The Edison Thomas Animated Photos interesting and Military Pictures, Alice Palmer Comedienne and Speciality Danseuse, The Three Albions Comedy Musical Act. Monday Next, John Lawson’s Sensational...
Dates: 15 February 1900

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 19 February 1900

Reference code: 178R12.123
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. The Gotham Quartette American Comedy and Singing Troupe, Lily Lever Ballad and Descriptive Vocalist, The Brothers Lang Knockabout Comedy, Wattie Allen Character Comedian and Dancer, J.W. Rickaby Comedian, Dot McCarthy Serio Comedienne and Dancer, The Edison Thomas Animated Photos military pictures, Lanzetta Continental Speciality Artiste. Monday next, Lillie Belmore lady Tom in 'The Runaway', Florador Quartette, Two Bostons, Tom Lloyd, etc. Printed by...
Dates: 19 February 1900

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 30 April 1900

Reference code: 178R12.124
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. The Marvellous Elliotts Cyclists, The Seven Savonas Gigantic Fairyland of Electric Lights, Musical Act, Peggy Pryde Serio Comic Vocalist and Dancer, Frank Seeley Comedian, Professor Hulbert Ventriloquist, Mad’lle De Lil Illusionist, Marguerite and May Duettists and Dancers, Senorita Eloina Gymnast, Royal Bioscope with the Latest Animated Pictures Of the War In South Africa. Monday next, Nellie Christie, Marie French, Chas Pastor etc. Printed by S....
Dates: 30 April 1900

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 7 May 1900

Reference code: 178R12.125
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. The Marvellous Elliotts Cyclists, The Seven Savonas Gigantic Fairyland of Electric Lights, Musical act, Marie French Burlesque Actress, Charles Pastor The Laughing Philosopher, Regan and Ryan Knockabout Comedy Exponent, Robb Gillmore Comic Posturer, Senorita Eloina Clever Gymnast, Jas. Grant The Character Comedian, Royal Bioscope Animated War Pictures, Nellie Christie 'delineator of Coon Songs', 'W.F.Frame is Coming'. Printed by S. Griffith and Co,...
Dates: 7 May 1900

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 14 May 1900

Reference code: 178R12.126
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Will H. Fox Comedian in Famous Paderewski Burlesque Paddywhiski", Lily Marney Vocalist, Eno Mimic, Harry Rose Character Comedian, Clarence and Bell Knockabout Comedy Team, Kitty Raybourn Serio Comedian and Dancer, The American Bioscope Will Show Views of the Queen’s Visit To, Dublin and the Latest War Pictures, Jesse Burton Baritone and Descriptive Vocalist, Alaska and Olrac Knockabout Horizontal Bar Experts. Monday Next, WF Frame. Printed by S....
Dates: 14 May 1900

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 6 August 1900

Reference code: 178R12.127
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Grand Re-Opening!, Harry Atkinson Imitator of Musical Instruments, Austin Rudd Comedian Griff Equilibristic Cynic, Minnie Cunningham Comedienne and Dancer, Bennett and Martell Clever Legmania Comedians, Sisters Emerald Duettists, Vocalists and Expert Dancers, The Royal Bioscope Showing Animated Photos of the China and South African Wars, Munro and O’Toole Eccentric Duettists and Dancers, Lelia Roze Burlesque Actress, Vocalist and Dancer. Printed by S....
Dates: 6 August 1900

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 19 November 1900

Reference code: 178R12.128
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. 6 Brothers Luck in new Pantomimic Absurdity 'The Hermit', Animated Photographs of General Buller and the C.I.V’s. return to England Produced by the Royal Bioscope, The Dorrells Duettists, Vocalists and Dancers, Charles Seel Comedian, Martha Gymnast, Maude Needham Serio Comic and Ballad Vocalist, T.W. Barrett The Nobleman’s Son, Marion Keats-Serio-Comedienne and Dancer, New Macs Knockabout Comedians. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, typeers, Liverpool....
Dates: 19 November 1900

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 14 January 1901

Reference code: 178R12.129
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Signor Pepi Italy’s Greatest Quick Change Artist, Animated Photographs of Lord Roberts’ Return Produced by the B.B.and R. Royal Bioscope Company, Martin Conway Quaint Comedian, Egyptian Princess Cleopatra Serpent Enchantress, Emma Don Character Comedienne, Collins and Rice American Comedy Vocalist and Dancers, Barton Howard The Human Gramophone, Dora Lyric Burlesque Actress, R.W. Bentley Character Comedian, Boswell’s Novel Stage Circus with Educated...
Dates: 14 January 1901

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 20 January 1902

Reference code: 178R12.130
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. The Mysterious Lilith introduced by Professor Fred Harcourt, the Marvellous Magician, Rawson and June Australian Boomerang Throwers, The Saxon Trio Strong Men, Mike Whallen Raconteur and Extempore Vocalist, Lillian Warren In Her Novel Vocal Pictures, Martin Conway Quaint Comedian, Violet Wilton Comedienne and Dancer, Frank Coyle Character Comedian, Carl Nobel Danish Ventriloquist. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, typeers, Liverpool. Blue, red and yellow...
Dates: 20 January 1902

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 17 February 1902

Reference code: 178R12.131
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Miss Carrie Laurie’s Juveniles in Their Amusing and Laughter Provoking Kindergarten, The Bohemians Musical Comedy, Cora Casselli Italian Dancer, The Jetneys the Apollos of Darktown Aristocracy, Sisters Russell Duettists and Dancers, Professor Hulbert Ventriloquist, Rose Conroy Serio Comedienne, M. Dell Conjuror and Illusionist, Lachie Thompson’s Top weights Musical Acts, Frantz Family-Lady and Gentlemen Acrobats. Printed by S. Griffith and Co,...
Dates: 17 February 1902

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 30 June 1902

Reference code: 178R12.132
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Abel and Welsh Clever Grotesque Eccentrics, George White’s Arabs, Royal Bioscope Carnival Procession in Birkenhead and Other Scenes Taken Saturday 21st June, 1902, Spriggs and Grundy Comedians and Dancers, The Musical Scena '20 minutes in Venice', Alf Levarini Wire Act, The Rozells Knockabout Triple Bar Performers, Lily Curries Descriptive Vocalist, Woodbee Wonders, Grand Coronation March Played by the Argyle Orchestra Under the Direction of...
Dates: 30 June 1902

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, Week commencing Monday 28 August 1899

Reference code: 178R27.237
Scope and Contents

Birkenhead. Saker Harlow Trio! Continental Eccentrics, James Dubois, ‘Pongo’ the man monkey, gymnastic, entertainment, Letta and Minnie, Florence Chester Queen of African Coon and descriptive vocalist, Rose Conroy Serio-comic Vocalist and Burlesque Actress, Gus Harris vocal character comedian, Lily Lever ballad and descriptive vocalist, Ryan and Hal L-pantomimic act. Red, blue and yellow type on white background. Printed by S Griffith & Co, Printers, Liverpool.

Dates: Week commencing Monday 28 August 1899

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, Week commencing Monday 16 October 1899

Reference code: 178R27.238
Scope and Contents

Birkenhead. Tom Leamore comedian, The Four Vampires pantomimists, Major Doyle Lilliputian Comedian, Robert Gilbert’s marvellous troupe of acrobatic dogs, The Three Sisters Slater-song and dance, Jesse Burton baritone and descriptive vocalist, The Vitascope, The 2 Emeralds duettists and expert dancers, Lily Marney Irish Comedienne. Red, blue and yellow type on white background. Printed by S Griffith & Co, Printers, Liverpool.

Dates: Week commencing Monday 16 October 1899

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, Week commencing Monday 23 October 1899

Reference code: 178R27.239
Scope and Contents Birkenhead. The Marvellous Rikfords, The Eight Eldorado Girls vocalists and dancers, Tony & Frances Ryder -comic bar act introducing the female clown and three trained monkeys, Tom Woottwell loose legged comedian, The New Macs Irish knockabout comedy, Dulcie Laing vocalist and skipping rope dancer, The Dorrells duettists, vocalists and dancers, The Vitascope, Preston and Balmaine Illustrated songs, Duets etc, introducing the latest American Coon songs. Red, blue and yellow type on white...
Dates: Week commencing Monday 23 October 1899

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, Week commencing Monday 30 October 1899

Reference code: 178R27.240
Scope and Contents Birkenhead. Julie Mackey, Gerald Mount Tyrolean and Descriptive Vocalist, Mark Melfords No 2 Company in ‘Between the turns or My Wife Won’t Let Me’, Sisters Leo characteristic Vocalists and Dancers, Chas. Russell character actor-vocalist, Collons’ troubadours lady vocalists and dancers, The Edison Thomas Vitascope, Nellie Stratton Serio-comic vocalist and dancer, Wilkie Bard character comedian. Red, blue and yellow type on white background. Printed by S Griffith & Co, Printers,...
Dates: Week commencing Monday 30 October 1899

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, Week commencing Monday 10 February 1896

Reference code: 178R27.1
Scope and Contents Birkenhead. Fillis’ South African Dogs, The Mannons Renowned Pantomimists, Valrose Serio-Comic Vocalist, Adolph Faue Wire Equilibrist and Expert Tumbler, Miss Ailsa Cairns Serio-Comedienne and Burlesque Actress, Mr Alec Burnard Comedian, Author and Descriptive Vocalist, Mr Harry Zetter Eccentric Comedian and Dancer, Mr Walter Pussord The Great Necromancer and Patterer of the Day, assisted by Mr Sydney Lee. Monday Next, Tennyson and Gorman. Green type on off white background. Printed by S....
Dates: Week commencing Monday 10 February 1896

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, Week commencing Monday 1 August 1892

Reference code: 178R27.2
Scope and Contents

Birkenhead. Grand re-opening. The Killeno Family Male and Female Acrobats, Miss Myra Massey Double-voiced Vocalist, Captain Slingsby The Intercepted Letter, Mr Frank Seymour Eccentric Comedian, Vocalist and Dancer, Evalo and Roisso The Clown and the Turk, Mr J. Forde Irish Comedian, Vocalist and Dancer, Prof. Norton Royal Court Conjuror and Card King, Poole’s Minstrels. Green and red type on off white background. Printed by S. Griffith & Co, Printers, Liverpool.

Dates: Week commencing Monday 1 August 1892

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, Week commencing 10 November 1890

Reference code: 178R27.3
Scope and Contents Birkenhead. Miss Maud Distin Lady Baritone, Mr Ben Fielding, Miss Nellie Gertine Double-voiced Vocalist, Mad’lle Desirie in ‘Mystia’ a series of charming illusions, Brothers Bondolas The Monarchs of the Air, Mr Andy Rhyne Eccentric Knockabout Vocalist, Acrobat & Grotesque, Miss Julia Hanson Burlesque Actress, Mr George Ripon Comedian, Miss Eva Johnson Serio-Ballad Vocalist, Mr Joe Fredricks 'negro' Comedian and Dancer, Mons. Dusoni’s Great and Unequalled Troupe of Trained Performing Dogs...
Dates: Week commencing 10 November 1890

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, Week commencing Monday 26 December 1892

Reference code: 178R27.4
Scope and Contents Birkenhead. George Power Comedian, Mr Harry Shaw Musical Eccentric Comedian, Miss Marion Lena Characteristic Vocalist and Dancer, Mr Harry Barker Descriptive Vocal Actor, The Watsons Irish Comedy Entertainers, Miss Marie Kean Burlesque Vocalist and Dancer, Mr Robert J, Carroll Comedian, Author and Dancer, Mildred Cohen Vocalist, Norton Prestidgitateur Seeing Is Believing, Carl Howlett’s Royal Improved Marionette Pantomime. Green and red type on off white background. Printed by S Griffith...
Dates: Week commencing Monday 26 December 1892