Found in 347 Collections and/or Records:
Derby Evening Telegraph Newspaper Cutting of a Review of the Reggie Dennis Novelty Show, 10 August 1954
Newspaper cutting from Derby Evening Telegraph; a review of the Reggie Dennis Novelty Show at the Hippodrome, Derby, with the Denvers on the bill.
Design Drawings for Ride and Show Fronts, c1880 - 1939
Drawings for ride fronts, shows and carts, including Chamberlain’s show front carved by W.E. Hilton, Bostock’s show front, chalk rubbing for window design, centre pay box for organs, Ghost trains, Corrigan’s front entrance, Smart and Elson sign, Frank Codona’s Speedway, Egyptian Helter Skelter design and Parry’s Famous Shows front.
Dick Scott-Stewart Collection
Slide transparencies created for the 'Fairground Snaps' book and later projects. The material in this archive is all of Scott-Stewart's work relating to fairs and circuses, particularly from an artistic and social angle. This collection covers all the field work completed by the artist in preparing his book, as well as trips following the publication.
Digital Media, 1816 - 1938
Digital copies of documents, census records and photographs related to the Monte Williams family.
Drawing for The Jelly Wobble, c1930 - 1939
Design for a show front showing the figure of a women on the left corner and columns with faces on the top section. Pencil on paper.
Drawings for Capitel, Mirror Frame and Show Fronts, c1875 - 1939
Highly finished design drawings for capitel, mirror frame and show fronts including the Jelly Wobble, Chas Relph, Shamrock, Noah’s ark, The Frivol, Arthur Holland’s Jack & Jill slide and half section of outside decoration for roundabout.
Drawings for the Design of Various Decorative Components for Fairground Rides, c1890 - 1939
Designs for showfronts, decorative columns and other decorative features, including the swag entrance for a scenic for Charles Thurston, a Hippodrome swag entrance, the front of switchback and scenic rides, Simnett’s shop front, Parry’s show front and the design for a fireplace. Pencil on paper.
Egyptian Hall Handbills, c1821 - 1883
Handbills for travelling shows, exhibitions and performances at the Egyptian Hall in Piccadilly, London.
Emergency Contract Between Hulme Hippodrome and the Denvers, c1958 - 1960
Emergency contract between Hulme Hippodrome and the Knife Throwing Denvers to give twelve performances from 3 August 1959; typescript, 1p.
Enquirer Printing Company Collection
This collection of printed material produced by the Enquirer Job Printing Company contains American sideshow and freak show posters mainly from the Ripley’s ‘Believe it or Not’ franchise and a poster sampler that was taken around by salesmen from the company.
Envelope Headed Lew & Leslie Grade Ltd, 15 July 1959
Envelope headed ‘Lew & Leslie Grade Ltd,’ addressed to: The Denvers, 98 Clapham Park Rd, London SW4; postmarked 15 July 1959, typescript, 1p.
Envelope of Press Cuttings About the Norman Family, c1925 - 1993
Envelope of Press Cuttings from the 1950s Relating to the Norman Family, 8 June 1950 - 25 September 1955
Envelope of Press Cuttings Primarily About the Denvers' Act, c1933 - 1974
Envelope of Press Cuttings Relating to the Norman Family, c1950 - 1994
Exhibition and Entertainments Handbills, c1790 - 1939
Handbills for travelling shows, fairs, exhibitions and performances at a wide range of venues.
Faiground Photographs, 1990 - 1999
Black and white and colour photographs of rides, shows and showmen and women at various fairs.
Fairground and Sideshow Print, 1927
La Sere de la Realite. Etching on paper by C. H. Clement. Outdoor fairground and sideshow scene.
Fairground Photographs, 1952 - 1953
Black and white copies of photographs of fairground lorries, fairground rides and sideshows taken at various fairs in the South of England and the Midlands taken by Rod Spooner.
Fairground Photographs and Postcards, 1910 - 1990
Black and white and colour photographs, postcards and negatives of fairgrounds, fairground rides, fairground organs, fairground shows, living wagons, showpeople and transport taken by Rowland Scott and other fairground enthusiasts including Jack Mellor, includes two photographic albums.