Found in 24 Collections and/or Records:
Charles Taylor Collection
The Charles Taylor collection is a fine example of Taylor’s of Wombwell printers’ posters, which highlight changes in printing techniques, fashion and taste within the popular entertainment industry. Included are examples of posters for pantomimes, fairs and circuses. The collection also contains handbills and other advertising material.
Circus Friends Association Collection
This collection consists of a large library of books and journals, as well as archival material including posters, programmes, photographs, films, handbills, research material, scrapbooks, original artwork and many other items of ephemera relating to British, Irish and European circuses
Circus Posters Printed by Taylor's of Wombwell, c1965 - 1979
Circus posters printed by Taylor's of Wombwell.
Circus Posters Printed by Taylor's of Wombwell, c1970 - 1979
Circus posters printed by Taylor's of Wombwell.
Cyril Critchlow Collection
Films, 1927 - 2007
Compilation of circus films showing acts on the ring as well as interviews with performers and proprietors, mainly produced by tv companies in the UK and Europe. Many of them narrated in German.
Films, c1930 - 1990
Amateur and commercial films on multiple formats, focusing mainly on Circus but also including transport, fairs, fairground rides and other types of travelling entertainments.
Gandey's Circus Poster, c1970 - 1979
Poster left blank for over-printing location and date. Featuring Chi-Lahn-illusionist, Apache Braves-Red Indian Fire Eating Rituals, Brett Mentona-Knife Throwing, Reyall’s Dogs, Alec Halls and his cavalcade of junk, Commanche Spotted Stallion, Tommy the TV Pony, Dr Sparks-the First ever Tour of the UK. The Electric Man, 3 show in one. Circus, Variety, Wild West.
Gandey's Circus Poster, 1973
Running Fox and Juanita Apache Fire Rituals, Brett and Rosa Montana Wild West Sports, Jacqueline trapeze artist, Alun Davies and his 10 poodle all with photographs. Yellow, red and blue type on white background.
Gandey's Circus Poster, c1970 - 1979
Poster left blank for overprinting location and date. Crazy circus clowns, speciality acts, wild west, novelty animal acts. Blue and red type on yellow background and illustration.
Gandey's Circus Poster, c1980 - 1989
Contains Illustration of roaring lion. Printed by Derek Simpson.
Gandey's Circus Poster, c1990 - 1999
Llangefni. Colour illustration of clown and animals.
Gandey's Circus Poster, Thursday 14 - Sunday 17 June 1988
Holyhead. Including Billy Wilson Smart’s Elephants. Contains colour photograph of elephants.
Gandey's International Circus Poster, Week commencing 14 March 1977
Sunderland Empire Theatre. The Montas, Achmed the Llama, Dr. Sparks the electronic man, Cheeko, Tommy the T.V. pony, Schumann Brothers, Alec Halls. Red, blue and yellow type on white background.
Joe Gandey's Circus Presentations Poster, 1970
English Single Most Circus International, Featuring Granada Television Documentary, Delmarrs Equilibrists, Trevor Doolottle acrobatic, comedy and juggling, Cheeko minute Trick Pony, Caprice Alpine Goat, Billy Diamond and Sioux City Sue Knife Throwing, Prince Kahn And Co., Running fox and Juanita Apache Fire Rituals.
Newspaper Cuttings and Scapbooks, 1838 - 2007
A collection of newspaper cuttings on circus, circus proprietors and performers and scrapbooks containing newspaper cuttings, posters, programmes and other items of ephemera, covering mainly British circuses and venues such as Belle Vue and also some international circuses.
Noel Drewe Collection
A large collection of films entitled Circusama containing amateur and professional films on the themes of circus, performing animals and zoos, and edited clips from commercial Western and comedy films. The films are in a variety of formats including 8mm, Super8, 9.5mm and 16mm and contain related correspondence and notes. This collection also contains some sound reels mainly of fairground music.
Oversize Circus Poster Printed by Taylor's of Wombwell, c1970 - 1979
Circus posters printed by Taylor's of Wombwell.
Oversize Mixed Posters Printed by Taylor's of Wombwell, c1970 - 1979
Posters printed by Taylor's of Wombwell including variety and music hall, fairgrounds and circus.
Photographs and Postcards, c1800 - 1999
Black and white and colour photographs, negatives and photographic albums mainly containing images of British circus, circus performers, animals and circus personalities but also some menageries such as Bostock and Wombwell and other associated entertainments and non-British circuses taken by David Jamieson, Lindsay Temple, Den Curtis, Capt. Middleton, Jack Niblett and other photographers.