Found in 270 Collections and/or Records:
A Garden Party Programme, 5 July c1981 - 1998
To be opened by Tony Capstick. Features Wizard Kaye, 4pp.
Advertising Card for The Amazing Bamforth, c1900 - 1999
Illustrated business card for The Amazing Baumforth, magic and illusionist act.
Advertisment for J. Theobald and Company, c1900 - 1999
Illustrated page from a book featuring advert for J. Theobald & Company, manufacturers and exporters of conjuring apparatus.
African Exploits and Magicians of India Film, c1930 - 1999
Black and white film on magic, silent. 8mm D-BETA.
African Exploits and Magicians of India Film, 1951 - 1952
Black and white film on magic, silent. Reel reads: Bournemouth 1951 and Hastings 1952. 8mm D-BETA.
Argyle Theatre Collection
This collection contains a large number of posters as well as business records including records of artist bookings, accounts, scrapbooks, contracts and correspondence.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 16 January 1893
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Farrell and Wilmot Irish Comedians, Miss Bessie St. John Burlesque, Descriptive, Serio-comic and Dancer, Mr Bob Gardner Double Voiced Vocalist and Tyrolean Harmonist, Sisters Conlan Duettists and Dancers, Major Devono Illusionist, Sisters Vose Duettists, Vocalists and Wonderful Dancers, Frank Travis Vocal Comedian, Madeline Rosa Lady Ventriloquist. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, typeers, Liverpool. Red and green type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 3 April 1893
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 21 August 1893
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 15 January 1940
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Jack 'rumps'Doyle and his Aces of Rhythm with Joe Ferrie and Nino Monti in Hot Music, Hatton and Manners Comedians, Two Rascals Entertainers and a Piano, Jack Henry Whistling Comedian, Michael Moore Impressionist, Marie and Jose Anderson Dancers, Buddy Clarke with Mum and Dad Novelty, Fred Culpitt Conjuror, Gulliver and his 7 dwarfs Burlesque Comedians. Printed by A. Sam Griffith Poster Printed McC. H. Ltd., Liverpool. Red type
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 10 February 1896
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 14 June 1897
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Miss Jenny Valmore Comedienne and Burlesque Actress, Little Tim Quaint Comedian, Sisters Wright Characteristic Duettists and Expert Dancers, De Cone The World’s Wizard, Sandy and Carl Knockabout Comedians and Dancers, George Willrod Comic and Descriptive Vocalist, Eva Maynard Serio Comedienne and Dancer, Lieut. Walter Cole Ventriloquist. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, typeers, Liverpool. Red and blue type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 30 April 1900
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 20 January 1902
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 17 February 1902
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 31 July 1905
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Osborn and Brookes in 'Partners: or, the Tragedian Turned Topsy Turvey', The Three Sisters Hayden Character Comediennes, The Ettenas Globe Artistes, Prof. Hulbert Ventriloquist, Vasey and Ramsey Grotesque Dance Act, Bros. Adderley, Mons. De Lil Illusionist, Austin Rudd Vocalist. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 22 July 1907
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Edith Muir, Hubert Bartlett and Co. in Comedy 'The Collar Stud!', Rose Elliott Singer, J.W.Gallagher Eccentric Comedian, Boden and Bell Juvenile Dancers, Nellie Cotter, Vocalist, Aimee Desiree Illusionist, The Royal Bioscope, The Three Royal Dreadnoughts (Lillian, Vera and Major Charles) Rifle Shots and Famous Dog Nellie. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue, yellow, green and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 29 July 1907
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Primrose Quartette Vocalists, Baker and De Sales American Comedy Act, The Three Royal Temples Operatic Vocalists, E.R. Dainez and his Famous Animals, Prof. Hulbert Ventriloquist, Frank Leslie Vocal Comedian, Bros. Brasso Burlesque Acrobats and Comedy rampolines, De Lil Illusionist, The Royal Bioscope, 8 of Hearts Vocalists and Clever Dancers. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue, yellow, green and red type.
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 2 November 1891
Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 15 December 1902
Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Apollo Strong Man, Miss Kahn, the Queen of Slight of Hand and Kahn, the Master of Mystery, Harry Wenburn Comedian, Fred Bush and Sadie Bushell Vocalists, R.K. Dunning Ventriloquist, Sybil St. Elmo Ballad Vocalist, Billy Renton Character Comedian, Amy Anderson Comedienne, The Brothers Horne. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue, red, green and yellow type.