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Showing Collections: 161 - 180 of 385

Hudleston Collection

Reference code: 383
Scope and Contents A large collection of material collected by Nigel and Mary Hudleston reflecting their interest in folk songs, calendar customs, folklore and traditional drama and dance, including sound recordings, notes, newspaper cuttings, photographs, cine film and colour slides.Nigel and Mary Hudleston collected original recordings of folk songs from Yorkshire and Ireland in the 1950s and 1960s: 'Songs of the Ridings – a collection of Yorkshire folk songs' was published in 2001 after Mary...
Dates: 1816 - 2003

Hudson Collection of Early Sheffield Playbills

Reference code: PE 17
Scope and Contents

Playbills of Sheffield theatres of the 19th century.

To see digitised versions of the playbills, click on each item in the collection from the right hand side collection hierarchy or go to the External Documents section below.

Dates: 1832 - 1858

Hull Fair Project Collection

Reference code: NFA0071
Scope and Contents

Research material used for the Hull Fair Project exhibition and DVD including audio visual material, digitised images, oral history and transcripts.

Dates: c1800 - 2005

Ian Cawthorne Collection

Reference code: NFA0090
Scope and Contents

Colour photographs of fairground transport, living wagons and rides taken by Ian Cawthorne on his travels around the fairs.

Dates: 1974 - 1980; 1989 - 1992

IFSBAC Collection (Institute for Folklore Studies in Britain and Canada)

Reference code: IFS1
Scope and Contents

A collection of books and journals covering the topics of Canadian language, tradition and history.

For further details of this collection, please see the listing in the External Documents section below.

Dates: 1882 - 2004

Ilkeston Fair Collection

Reference code: NFA0067
Scope and Contents

This collection contains documents relating to Ilkeston Charter Fair.

Dates: 1936 - 1998

Incunabula and Early Manuscripts

Reference code: INC1
Scope and Contents

A collection of medieval manuscripts and incunabula (books printed up to the year 1500).

The manuscripts include a twelfth-century Psalterium and a thirteenth-century charter. Among the incunabula is a French Book of Hours from 1494 and Hartmann Schedel´s "Nuremberg Chronicle" from 1493.

For a full list of items please see the external documents section below.

Dates: 12th century - 1637

Innes Smith Collection

Reference code: INN1
Scope and Contents

A collection of books on the history of medicine. The books range in date from the early 16th century to the early 20th century, all bearing the somewhat macabre Innes Smith bookplate. There is a strong bias towards medical biography.

For further details of this collection, please see the listing in the External Documents section below.

Dates: 1548 - 1932

Innes Smith Medical Portrait Collection

Reference code: POR 7
Scope and Contents Approximatly 300 portraits of medical men from the 16th to the early 20th centuries collected by Robert Innes Smith (1872-1933), a doctor who worked in the Brightside area of Sheffield. Most of the items in the collection are engravings, mezzotints, lithographs and photographs, the majority being portraits of distinguished medical men although some non-medical related portraits are also included within the collection. The collection reflects the interests of Innes Smith, a large proportion...
Dates: 1700s - 1911

Innes Smith Personal Papers

Reference code: 210
Scope and Contents A small collection of personal papers of Robert William Innes Smith, medical practitioner in Sheffield and medical historian, for the period circa 1894 to 1936. The papers are personal documents (correspondence, news-cuttings etc.) which belonged to Robert William Innes Smith but which were not included in his Working Papers deposited at the Royal College of Physicians of London.The file includes a copy of the listing, with his notes on the papers, made by Dr Harold Swan,...
Dates: c1894 - 1936

Institute of Education Historical Collection

Reference code: EDU1
Scope and Contents

This collection from the University of Sheffield's Institute of Education Library comprises around 750 books, pamphlets and journals, including some pre-1851 books, and several fine copies of later Victorian works.

For further details of this collection please see the listings in the External Documents section below.

Dates: 1708 - 1969

Irene Champernowne Archive

Reference code: 483
Scope and Contents This archive contains the professional and personal papers of Irene Champernowne. The archive mainly contains records relating to her working life such as her lectures, seminars, administration of the Withymead Centre and the Gilbert Champernowne Trust, and her analysis of her patients including children in post-war Germany. There is a large amount of correspondence with a range of individuals that Champernowne had a professional and personal relationship with, including prominent people in...
Dates: 1892 - 2024

Jack Leeson Collection

Reference code: NFA0019
Scope and Contents

Photographs and negatives, both collected and taken by him as well as notebooks with detailed lists of every fair visited. Jack Leeson used an elaborate system of cross-referencing which match the photographs and Jack's account of the fair. Also included are letters, scrapbooks and a collection of records of fairground music and some fairground models.

Dates: 1949 - 1992

Jack Ronder Scripts

Reference code: 454
Scope and Contents

The collection comprises television, radio and theatre scripts by writer Jack Ronder. Also included are manuscripts for several novels, along with newspaper cuttings, correspondence and theatre programmes. A number of items have been printed from digital files, mostly relating to productions in which Ronder was involved while living in Edinburgh.

For further details of this collection please see the finding aid/box list in the External Documents section below.

Dates: 1948 - 1980

Jack Rosenthal Drama Scripts Collection

Reference code: 286
Scope and Contents Television, film and theatre scripts, together with associated documents, by the contemporary dramatist Jack Rosenthal.The collection consists of copies of most of the scripts created by Jack Rosenthal during a career of over 40 years of writing for television, cinema and the theatre. Also includes related documents such as working notes, correspondence, press cuttings, personal papers and other memorabilia. A number of videos of programmes made from the scripts are also...
Dates: 1942 - 2001

Jack Stephens Collection

Reference code: NFA0103
Scope and Contents

This collection contains colour photographs of fairgrounds, fairground rides, organs and transport taken by Jack Stephens.

Dates: 1970 - 2006

Jack Wilkinson Collection

Reference code: NFA0168
Scope and Contents Black and white and colour photographs and negatives of fairgrounds, fairground organs, steam engines and other transportation systems with annotations by Jack Wilkinson and other sources, such as William Keating, James Davidson, Philip Bradley and Jack Mellor, as well as notebooks, scrapbooks, journals, books, correspondence, research material, audio tapes of fairground organ music and some 3D items including Jack's recording equipment and a model of a fairground organ. Jack Wilkinson’s...
Dates: c1900 - 1979

Jim Bassett Collection

Reference code: NFA0004
Scope and Contents

Colour photographs of fairground transport and rides taken by Jim Bassett.

Dates: c1980 - 1999

Jimmy Williams Collection

Reference code: NFA0035
Scope and Contents

Black and white copy prints and negatives and three items of ephemera relating to the Williams family.

Dates: c1880 - 1972

J.L.A. Grout Archive

Reference code: 433
Scope and Contents

A collection of documents relating to the life and career of radiologist John Lewis Anderton Grout (1889-1963).

Dates: 1913 - 1964

Filter Results

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National Fairground and Circus Archive 154
Special Collections and Archives 230
University Archive 1
Acrobats 19
Adult education 6
Aerialists 19
Amusement parks 16
Amusement rides 90
∨ more  
Arabic 2
Aromanian; Arumanian; Macedo-Romanian 1
Catalan; Valencian 2
Chinese 4
Croatian 1
∨ more  
Acres, Birt, 1854 - 1918 2
Allan, Alastair J., Active 1970s - 2015 2
Althoff Circus (c1675 - 1999) 2
Anderton and Rowland (Established c1854 - 1879) 5
Argyle Theatre of Varieties (c1868 - 1945) 2
∨ more
Arnold, Tom, 1897 - 1969 2
Aspland, George, 1836 - 1911 2
Aspland-Howden (c1875 - 1915) 2
Astley's Amphitheatre (1773 - 1891) 3
Astley, Philip, 1742 - 1814 2
Austen Brothers Circus (Established 1974) 3
B. Cole & Sons (Amusements) Ltd (Established 1890) 2
Barnum & Bailey Circus (1881 - 1919) 2
Barrett, Norman, Born 1935 3
Battersea Park Amusement Park (1858 - 1972) 2
Beatty, Clyde, 1903 - 1965 2
Belle Vue (1836 - 1982) 5
Bertram Mills Circus (1920 - 1967) 9
Beverly Sisters (c1943 - 2009) 2
Big Daddy, 1930 - 1997 2
Billy Smart's Circus (c1946 - 2006) 9
Bird, Margaret, c1900 - 1999 2
Blackpool Pleasure Beach (Established 1896) 4
Blackpool Tower Circus (Established 1894) 5
Bobby Robert's Super Circus (1993 - 2011) 2
Bostock and Wombwell Menagerie (c1846 - 1931) 4
Boswell's Circus (1882 - 2015) 3
Bradley, Philip W, 1920 - 1999 2
Braithwaite, David, 1932 - 1982 4
British Fairground Society (BFS) (Established c1950) 3
British Union of Fascists (1932 - 1940) 6
Buffalo Bill, 1846 - 1917 4
Buller, Redvers Henry, General, Sir, 1839 - 1908 2
Cairoli, Charlie, 1910 - 1980 5
Calladine, Neil, Born 1951 2
Carl Hagenbeck Circus (c1893 - 1907) 2
Carters Steam Fair (1977 - 2022) 4
Centre for Luxembourg Studies (University of Sheffield) (Established 1995) 2
Chapman, Ellen, 1831 - 1899 3
Chipperfield's Circus (Established c1800) 8
Chipperfield, Mary, 1938 - 2014 3
Circus Knie (Established 1803) 4
Circus Krone (Established 1905) 4
Circus Pinder (Established 1854) 4
Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus (Established c1957) 3
Cole Bros. Circus (c1884 - 1957) 3
Collins, Pat (Patrick), 1859 - 1943 3
Cottle, Gerry, 1945 - 2021 3
Crystal Palace (1851 - 1936) 4
Dodd, Ken, 1927 - 2018 3
Drury Lane Theatre (Established c1660) 3
Duffy's Circus (Established c1800) 3
Electric (Modern) Printing Company (c1930 - 1991) 3
Fairground Association of Great Britain. (FAGB) (Established 1977) 6
Fossett's Circus (Established c1870 - 1879) 5
Friendship Circle of Showland Fans. (FCSF) (c1940 - 1969) 5
Gandey's Circus (Established c1918) 4
George Orton, Sons & Spooner Ltd (1875 - 1977) 3
Gerry Cottle's Circus (1974 - 2003) 3
Great Yarmouth Hippodrome (Established 1903) 3
Hengler Grand Cirque (1844 - 1924) 3
Holland Amusements (Initiated c1870) 3
Horne, Thomas, Reverend, c1850 - 1918 3
Innes Smith, Robert William, 1872 - 1933 3
J.W. Shaw Amusements (Initiated c1860 - 1889) 3
Jolson, Al, c1886 - 1950 3
Krebs, Hans Adolf, Sir, 1900 - 1981 3
Ling's Family Amusements (Initiated c1850 - 1859) 3
Lord George Sanger Circus (Established c1880) 6
Lord John Sanger Circus (Established c1880) 4
Mellors Group Events (Established 1890) 3
Merchant, Billy (Little Billy), 1919 - 2001 3
Mills, Cyril Bertram, 1902 - 1991 3
National Centre for English Cultural Tradition (NATCECT) (1975 - 2008) 16
National Fairground and Circus Archive. NFCA (Established 1994) 3
Norman, Tom, 1860 - 1930 (The Silver King) 3
Olympia London (Established 1886) 5
P.C. Sorcar, Junior, Born 1946 3
Pat Collins Fun Fairs (Established 1899) 3
Paulo Circus (Established c1900 - 1910) 3
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus (1919 - 2017) 6
Robert Brothers Circus (Established 1944) 3
Rosaire's Circus & Zoo (Established 1904) 5
Sanger's Allied Circus (Established 1854) 3
Sanger, George, 1825 - 1911 7
Sanger, John, 1819 - 1889 5
Shufflebottom Family, c1870 - 1998 4
Smith, George Charles Moore, 1858 - 1940 3
The Agricultural Hall (1862 - 1943) 3
The Kursaal (1894 - 2020) 3
The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain (Established 1889) 17
Toulmin, Vanessa, Professor, Born 1967 4
Union Movement (1948 - 1973) 3
University of Sheffield (Established 1828) 26
University of Sheffield Library (Established 1879) 7
W. E. Berry Ltd (1888 - 2004) 3
Waddington's Funfairs (Initiated c1860 - 1899) 3
Wilsons Group Services (Established c1860) 4
World's Fair Publications Limited (Established 1904) 12
Zippos Circus (Established 1986) 3
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