Showing Collections: 381 - 385 of 385
World's Fair and Expositions Collection
The collection covers material from British, European and American expositions including programmes, guides, postcards, advertisements, newspapers and books.
World's Fair Newspaper Collection
This collection consists of the complete run of The World's Fair Newspaper from 1904 to the present day. Issues from 1904 to 1950 are on microfilm.
Zaidman Collection
The personal library of Lazar Zaidman, reflecting his interests in anti-Fascism, Jewish matters, politics and economics before, during and after World War II.
For further details of this collection please see the listing in the External Documents Section below.
Zaidman Papers
The collection consists of printed ephemera and manuscript documents relating to the Anti-Fascist movement in London and to the Communist Party of Great Britain during the period 1930s to 1950s. There is also material on Jewish affairs during this period, including the origins of the state of Israel. A collection of pamphlets is included.
For further details of this collection please see the finding aid in the External Documents section below.