The Blunkett Archives
Reference code: 467
Address to the GMB union conference
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/10
Annual Lecture given to the South London Industrial Mission, Southwark Cathedral, London
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/13
Briefing notes for speech given by Blunkett at the Local Government Conference
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/9

David Blunkett's school reports from the Royal Normal College for the Blind
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/9/3/2
Extract from address to the 1998 TUC Conference
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/14
Lecture given to the Technology Colleges Trust, Whitehall, London
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/11
Outline of a speech for the LIA Achievement forum conference
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/2

Photograph of David Blunkett with his parents
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/9/2/1/5
Speech at the BETT 97 show at Olympia, London
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/7
Speech: Enabling - A Political View: putting the service back into public
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/1
Speech to the 1998 Labour Party Conference
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/15
Speech to the AQA Conference
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/16
Speech to the Association of Teachers and Lecturers annual conference in Torquay
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/3
Speech to the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/12
Speech to the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) conference in Torquay
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/5
Speech to the National Union of Teachers (NUT) conference in Cardiff
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/4
Speech to the North of England Education Conference in Sheffield
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/6
The Julius Silverman Memorial Lecture, Birmingham
Digital Record
Reference code: 467/11/3/8