Correspondence dispatched by Robert Saunders A-L, 1953 - 1970
Scope and Contents
Copies of letters dispatched by Robert Saunders, concerning the Union Movement, following his decision to resign as Union Movement Constituency Organiser at the end of 1951 and the subsequent reduction in his involvement in local activities by the middle of 1953. There are also letters concerning his involvement in the National Farmers Union.
Including letters sent to:
Henry Job Hansford Bartlett (D3/1), concerning payment for “Union” (15 November 1953)
Richard Reynall Bellamy (D3/2-12). Includes references to visits by Charnley and Row (29 May 1954) (2); death of Mrs Wood, and pleased with LCC election results (20 April 1955) (4), and Row predicts economic collapse (15 May 1955) (5); problems in finding farm work, and economic situation should favour Mosley (16 December 1956) (6); applying for Dorchester job, and Mosley’s illness (17 March 1957) (7); proposal to write farming articles, his penury, and request for Saunders to act as referee for BBC job (14 January 1958) (8); with enclosed part of letter from Row re asking Saunders’ advice for an article on agriculture [n.d.] (9); Oliver White and other Regulation 18B internees at Ascot (26 January 1958) (10); thanks for return of manuscript and comments [6 April 1958] (11); manuscript to Row, and congratulations on Saunders election to Dorset County Council (14 April 1958) (12)
Les Burton, Secretary (North), “The 2000 Fund”, Union Movement, and Rose Burton, Secretary, Union Support Fund, Union Movement (D3/13-16). Includes references to The 2000 Fund, Saunders unwilling to have his address published in “Union” (22 October 1956) (13); donation to Union Support Fund (17 February 1957) (14); complaints about not being informed of detail of Union Support Fund and its association with Tynan (30 March, 14 April 1957) (15-16)
John W. Charnley (D3/17-18), regarding agricultural matters, and proposed meeting (10 January-9 May 1970)
Robert Adolphus Cottman (D3/19), regarding Mosley meeting at Bristol on 20 November 1955.
Ronald N. Creasy (D3/20), concerning Saunders article in “Union”, and Mosley meeting at Cambridge (11 March 1956)
John Dowty (D3/21), regarding apologies for not meeting on Weymouth visit, and mentions visit to Row and Sutton at Union Movement HQ (24 August 1954)
H. John Forward (D3/22), regarding Mosley dinner at Bournemouth on 15 March 1958.
John G. Gent (D3/23-24), concerning Mosley letter about farm work (17 March 1956) (23), and views on Soil Association policies (8 April 1956) (24)
Trevor Grundy (D3/25), concerning inability to offer accommodation, and formation of Union Movement Youth Group (2 July 1957)
Norval W. Hartley (D3/26), regarding an invitation to become President of the Bournemouth Forum (17 June 1959)
R. B. Hassall (D3/27), concerning membership of Union Movement, and views on agricultural policy (14 August 1963)
Graham Hawke (D3/28-29), concerning discussions between Hamm, Mosley and Hawke on National Farmers Union attitude to entry into Common Market, and Saunders’ explanation of National Farmers Union policy (22 February 1969) (28); problems of agricultural production (12 March 1969) (29)
Ralph N. Hyde (D3/30), regarding interest in Union Movement (30 May 1957)
S. Les “Inky” Irvine, Secretary (South) “The 2000 Fund”, Union Movement (D3/31), regarding use of Saunders’ name in Union Support Fund stationery, need to remove Tynan’s name, and need for meeting (30 March 1957)
T. C. Jones, County Secretary, Denbighshire National Farmers Union (D3/32), Includes letter in support of Wynn proposals for agricultural credit (25 February 1956)
L. Knell and Mrs Gladys B. Knell (D3/33-46). Includes possible visit to Dorset by Mosley (30 May 1954); inclusion of verse by Emerson in Christmas cards ordered (22 November 1954) (34); mentions “East Anglian Press”, and asks for quote for similar Union Movement West Country newspaper (18 December 1954) (35); thanks for quotation for Union Movement West Country newspaper (13 February 1955) (36); comment on Mosley meeting at Bristol on 20 November 1955 (37); Boscombe Gathering for New Year, and dinner for Mosley in March (8 December 1957) (39); has seen Mosley several times recently (27 November 1960) (42); news of Wiltshire (19 November 1961) (43) and Mosley in headlines, but not seen him for several months (10 November 1962) (44)
- Creation: 1953 - 1970
- From the Fonds: Saunders, Robert, 1910 - 1993 (Person)
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