Correspondence received by Robert Saunders A-L, 1953 - 1970
Scope and Contents
Correspondence received by Robert Saunders, concerning the Union Movement, following his decision to resign as Union Movement Constituency Organiser at the end of 1951 and the subsequent reduction in his involvement in local activities by the middle of 1953. There are also letters concerning his involvement in the National Farmers Union.
Including letters from:
Anglo-Rhodesian Society, London (D2/1). Includes receipt for subscription (1 August 1972)
Richard Reynall Bellamy (D2/2-19). Includes references to visits by Charnley and Row (29 May 1954) (2); death of Mrs Wood, and pleased with LCC election results (20 April 1955) (4), and Row predicts economic collapse (15 May 1955) (5); problems in finding farm work, and economic situation should favour Mosley (16 Dec 1956) (6); applying for Dorchester job, and Mosley’s illness (17 March 1957) (7); proposal to write farming articles, his penury, and request for Saunders to act as referee for BBC job (14 January 1958) (8); with enclosed part of letter from Row regarding asking Saunders’ advice for an article on agriculture [n.d.] (9); Oliver White and other Regulation 18B internees at Ascot (26 January 1958) (10); thanks for return of manuscript and comments [6 April 1958] (11); manuscript to Row, and congratulations on Saunders election to Dorset County Council (14 April 1958) (12); writing a history of the Movement: mentions Fitzgerald and Dr Stephenson in Regulation 18B internment (21 March 1964) (13); reply to invitation to Friar Mayne Farm (16 June 1964) (15); difficulty in finding a publisher for his book, and American “revisionist historians” (22 December 1969 and 22 December 1970) (18, 19)
Les Burton, Secretary (North), “The 2000 Fund”, Union Movement and Rose, Secretary, Union Support Fund, Union Movement (D2/20-24). Includes “The 2000 Fund”, new Union Movement newspaper [“Action”], and publishing of Saunders’ address (17 October 1956) (20); circular appeal for donation to new Union Movement newspaper and Union Support Fund, with ref. to “great Jewish money power [October1956] (2 copies) (21, 22); proposed trip to London (31 October 1956) (23) and thanks for Saunders donation to Union Support Fund (15 April1957) (24)
John W. Charnley (D2/25-27), concerning activities in National Chamber of Trade, and food prices (16 December 1969) (25), Saunders report on Mansholt Plan (22 January 1970) (26) and proposed meeting with Saunders (5 February 1970) (27)
Robert Adolphus Cottman (D2/28-29), Including references to meeting (24 June 1956) (28), with photograph of the Cottmans in Scotland (29)
Ronald N. Creasy (D2/30). Including interest in Saunders “Union” article on farming (6 March 1956)
E. Davey (D2/31). Includes receipt for donation towards Elliott’s election expenses (27 July 1956)
John Dowty (D2/32-35). Including references to visit to Weymouth (26 August 1954) (32); note {n.d.] (33) and newspaper cutting of a letter “A Pig in a Poke” on pig prices and Conservative government policy, “Evening News and Times” (Worcester) dated 16 December 1959 (34); letters to local press on agricultural problems (22 December 1959) (35)
Charles W. and Mrs Florence Elliott. See separate file of correspondence (119/D7)
H. John Forward (D2/36-37). Includes references to a visit (24 January 1954) (36); mentions visit by 18B detainee Scott, and Pownall (9 August 1957) (37)
John G. Gent (D2/38-39). Includes introduction by Mosley, proposed removal to West Country, and Soil Association (2 April 1956) (38i-iii), with copies of references (39A-B)
Phillip Goodwin (D2/40). Includes congratulations on Saunders election as Chairman of Dorset Farmers Union (19 January 1956)
Trevor Grundy (D2/41), concerning request for summer work, and mentions Islington Youth Unit meeting [n.d.]
Norval W. Hartley (D2/42-44). Includes references to Major Friend, Bournemouth Forum, and invitation to Saunders to become President (10 June 1959) (42); invitation to join The Trojans, and statement of their pro-Mosley policy; mentions Burns-Mackenzie of the Law Society and Major Friend, prospective Conservative candidate for Bournemouth and Christchurch and member of League of Empire Loyalists, and infiltration of local Conservative Party (16 June 1958) (43); thanks for taking care of “our Friend” , and private talk (19 June 1959) (44)
R. B. Hassall (D2/45). Includes enquiry on Union Movement agricultural policy redirected by Hamm (11 August 1963)
Graham Hawke (D2/46). Includes statement of Union Movement policy on the place of British agriculture in a future United European Nation (3 March 1969) (46)
F. B. Heywood-Price (D2/47), concerning election leaflet for Lakes Urban District Council (July 1953)
Ralph N. Hyde (D2/48), regarding Union Movement farming policy (20 May 1957)
S. Les “Inky” Irvine, Secretary (South) “The 2000 Fund”, Union Movement (D2/49-50). Include thanks for donation to “The 2000 Fund”: Burton to act for north, Irvine for south (17 October 1956) (49) and response to Saunders query about Rose Burton and Union Support Fund, problems with Tynan, and position of Sutton as contact (8 April 1957) (50)
Jorian G. J. Jenks, See separate file of correspondence (119/D8)
L. Knell and Mrs Gladys B. Knell (D2/51-62), regarding printing orders and Saunders at Mosley meeting on 20 November 1955 (11 December 1955) (54); Bristol meeting on 20 November 1960 (58) and mentions Mrs Elliott, and Mosley and Frost Programme (20 November 1967) (62)
- Creation: 1953 - 1970
- From the Fonds: Saunders, Robert, 1910 - 1993 (Person)
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