Braithwaite, David, 1932 - 1982
- Existence: 6 October 1932 - 4 July 1982
David Julius Braithwaite was born in Luton, Bedfordshire on the 6th of October 1932. The family moved to Northampton and as a young boy David was fascinated by the fairs which visited the town and thus began his lifelong interest and passion with the travelling fairground. He often helped with the building up of the rides and got to know some of the showmen.
David attended Northampton Grammar School where he developed art and drawing as his favourite subjects. He entered the Architectural Association School at seventeen and his subsequent career in architecture included work in various practices, teaching at Leicester, Hammersmith and Kingston School of Architecture and finally establishing his own practice in Knightsbridge, London. Here he worked in domestic, the commercial and entertainment fields, including the planning of Amusement Parks. Projects included the hall of Mirrors at Madame Tussaud’s in London and a floating theatre for children of which he was co-designer. In 1975 he was the prime mover in the rescue of the Savage Company Archives from King’s Lynn.
For many years he collected material for his book Fairground Architecture (the first book of its kind on this subject) which was first published in 1968. He also wrote a book on Frederick Savage of King’s Lynn, a booklet for Shire Publications and Building in the Blood, the history of the building firm, Dove Brothers. David Braithwaite is perhaps best known for his two influential works; ‘Fairground Architecture’ and ‘Savage of Kings Lynn’.
During the 1970's he acquired the Orton and Spooner Archive, which formed the basis of a book he was preparing to write at the time of his untimely death on July 4th 1982.
Found in 19 Collections and/or Records:
Bernard Fielding Collection
Photographs and scrapbooks compiled by Bernard Fielding. Each scrapbook contains a mixture of press cuttings including Fairground Mercury and World’s Fair, photographs, postcards, Paul Braithwaite history and patent material. Augmented by handwritten notes and research from other enthusiasts.
Bysteam Programme, 7 - 8 September 1968
Thursford. Society for the Preservation of Steam and Motor Vehicles, Rural Crafts and Bygones. 12p.p with illustrations.
Chiltern Traction Engine Club Programme, 26 - 27 July 1965
Chartridge Rally. Chartridge End Farm, Chesham. 20p.p with illustrations.
David Braithwaite Collection
This collection contains photographs taken by David Braithwaite from the 1950s and used towards his publications alongside older images collected from other sources as well as business records, monographs, articles, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, advertising material, bibliographies, catalogues, programmes, films and some other miscellaneous items.
Kegworth Carnival Programme, 28 July 1962
The Hallstone Meadow, Kegworth. Horticultural Show, Traction Engine Rally, Grand Ox Roasting, Go-Kart Demonstration. 16p.p with illustrations.
Orton and Spooner Collection
This collection contains a large selection of archives from the Orton and Spooner Company. The collection comprises photographs and cabinet card images showing carved work, structural work and classic painted work, 4 boxes of notes, invoices and clippings, 8 drawers of plans and blueprints, 2 folders of ride specifications and order forms, accounts books and a library of source books showing turn of the century art used by the artists in the company.
Photographs and Postcards, c1880 - 1979
Black and white photographs, postcards and negatives collected by David Braithwaite from the William Keating collection. Many original postcards and copy negatives of postcards.
Programmes, 1962 - 1971
Programmes for steam engine rallies organised by various societies including East Anglian Traction Engine Club, Rempston Steam Treaction, Bysteam, Chiltern Traction Engine Club and others.
Rempstone Steam Traction Engine Rally Programme, 14 - 15 July 1962
Home Farm, Stanford near Loughborough. 24p.p with illustrations.
Rempstone Steam Traction Engine Rally Programme, 6 - 7 July 1963
24 p.p with illustrations.
Rempstone Steam Traction Engine Rally Programme, 4 - 5 July 1964
Ling Farm, Rempstone. 28p.p with illustrations.
Rempstone Steam Traction Engine Rally Programme, 3 - 4 July 1965
Ling Farm, Rempstone. 32p.p with illustrations.
Rempstone Steam Traction Engine Rally Programme, 6 - 7 July 1968
Ling Farm, Rempstone. 28p.p with illustrations.
Rempstone Steam Traction Engine Rally Programme, 3 - 4 July 1971
Ling Farm, Rempstone. 32p.p with illustrations.
Steam Engine Rally and Fete Programme, 11 June 1962
Steam Engine Rally and Fete, Elham, near Canterbury. 8p.p with illustrations.
Steam Engine Rally and Fete Programme, 3 June 1963
Elham, near Canterbury. 8p.p with illustrations.
The East Anglian Traction Engine Club Steam Engine Rally Programme, 22 September 1962
Prested Hall, Feering, Kelvedon. 8p.p with illustrations.
The Thirteenth West of England Steam Traction Engine Rally Programme, 17 - 18 August 1968
Sinns Barton, Redruth. 52p.p with illustrations.
William Keating Collection
Photographs, some of large size negatives and glass plate negatives of fairground rides and transport.