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Kiralfy, Bolossy, 1848 - 1932



  • Existence: 1848 - 1932


Bolossy Kiralfy (1848-1932) was a successful theatrical producer born in Budapest, Hungary. Bolossy was renowned for his spectacular productions, which he managed with his brother Imre. Both brothers had a background on music and dance.

Encouraged by their parents, the family started travelling around Europe and America under the name Kiralfy, giving dance performances, and were soon joined by six of their seven siblings. In spite of their talent and success as dancers, Imre and Bolossy stopped performing in their twenties to start their own theatrical production company, which they run together for thirteen years.

The brothers produced their first show in 1873, which was a mix of performance and dance in spectacularly elaborate sets involving large casts of performers. After achieving success in Europe, they travelled to America, where they adapted European productions to meet the taste of the American market.

The Kiralfy company dissolved in 1887 and Imre and Bolossy started to produce their own shows separately, with very distinctive characteristics. Bolossy based his shows in fantasy and fable, while Imre focused on the flourishing technological industry of the time and used science and machinery to wow the audience.

Bolossy stayed in America until 1921, while Imre returned to Europe in 1893 to settle in England.

Bolossy died in 1932 aged 84.