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Barnes, Bill (William), 1920 - 2019



William 'Bill' Barnes was a renowned film history and collector, who together with his twin brother John (1920-2008), amassed one of the finest collections of early British cinema in the country.

Bill and John became fascinated with cinema from an early age. When they were twelve years old they had a home cine projector and soon after, still in their teen years, they started to make their own films and documentaries. Examples of the titles they created together are Cornish Nets and With the Gypsies in Kent.

Bill and John started to collect cinema material in the 1930s. The brothers served together in the Royal Navy during WWII. At the end of the war, they became specialist booksellers of cinema and pre-cinema material.

The brothers opened the Barnes Museum of Cinematography in St Ives in 1936. John managed the collection while Bill continued to build up the collection visiting fairs, markets and auctions around the country. At this time Bill was working as a Film Production Consultant in London, where he used to visit markets and antique shops. The museum closed in 1986 and the collection was split between the Museo Nazionale del Cinema in Turin and Hove Museum. Eventually, Bill started to run his own stall in Chelsea antiques market selling optical toys, lantern slides and photo cine items. John, who remained in Cornwall all his life, died in 2008. The brothers had always been very close and Bill felt a great loss.

Bill became a leading authority on many aspects of the optical media that preceded cinema and in particular of the early years of cinema itself.

John and Bill wrote extensively on early cinema history, John was known for The Beginnings of Cinema in Britain series and Bill for his articles on The Magic Lantern journal among others.

Bill and John received an honorary doctorate from the University of Stirling in 2006 and the Jean Mitry Prize.

Found in 64 Collections and/or Records:

Assembly Rooms Poster, Wednesday 15 May c1901

Reference code: 178R53.49
Scope and Contents

Cheltenham. Hamilton's Grand New Diorama Under the British Flag, Russo-Turkish War, Constantinople, Bombardment of Rustchuck, Shipka Pass, Storming Fort of St. Nicholas, Fall of Plevna, Mount Aararat, Turks at Pray, Persia, India, China, Japan, Australia, Canada, Mr Frank Freeland, National and Patriotic War Songs. Black and red type on white background. Printed by Stafford and Co, Printers and Engravers, Nottingham.

Dates: Wednesday 15 May c1901

Bill Barnes Collection

Reference code: NFA0172
Scope and Contents

Programmes, posters and photographs mainly related to the Poole family's travelling Myriorama show.

Dates: 1881 - 2017

Congress Hall Poster, 21 January 1884

Reference code: 178R53.12
Scope and Contents

Reading. Messrs Poole new mastodone Diorama of the World, America, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Asia, Europe, War in Egypt, The Royal Review, Poole's Concert Party, Orchestra and Military Bands. Black and red type on blue, yellow, white and red backgrounds with colour illustration of Chinese acrobatics and fireworks in the centre. Printed by Stafford & Co., Printers and Engravers, Neherfield, near Nottingham.

Dates: 21 January 1884

Corn Exchange Assembly Rooms Poster, Monday 16 December c1901

Reference code: 178R53.50
Scope and Contents

Preston. Poole's & Young's New Diorama of Turkey, Cyprus, England and our Great Indian Empire, Poole's & Young's Excursions to the East, A Splendid Band and Staff of Vocals. Black type on white background around the edges, in the centre colour illustration of a war battle.

Dates: Monday 16 December c1901

Corn Exchange Poster, 18 February 1886

Reference code: 178R53.44
Scope and Contents

Bicester. Poole's Trips Abroad, Suakin to Berber, War in Egypt, City and Fortifictaions of Herat, The Lord Mayor's Show, The Nile Boats and Camel Corps for the Soudan Campaign, Concert Party. Black type on yellow background. Printed by Smith and Pankhurst, Printers, Bicester.

Dates: 18 February 1886

Gomp-Ertz Grand Diorama Programme, c1882

Reference code: 178K53.14
Scope and Contents Philarmonic Hall, Southampton, War in Egypt, Mr Owen Vauguard and Miss Marie Coulson, musical act, Fred Medex, Central and Southern Africa, Mr H.M. Stanley's encounter with the natives of the Congo River, Discovery of Livingstone, Tarn Bend, Victoria Falls, Pandanus or screw palm, Horrors of the slave system, Slave market at Zanzibar, Source of the Nile, Victoria Nyanza, Abon Simbel, Second cataract of the Nile, Throne of Pharoah, Nubian water wheel, The sitting statues, Sphynx, Sir Garnet...
Dates: c1882

Gompertz's Gigantic Diorama Poster, c1880 - 1899

Reference code: 178R53.9
Scope and Contents

Corn Exchange, Braintree. Garibaldi's Campaign in Italy and Sicily, Mr Albert Smith's panorama of the tour up the Rhine. Black type on off white background.

Dates: c1880 - 1899

Guide Book of Charles W. and John R. Poole Latest Myriorama, c1920 - 1929

Reference code: 178Z64.7
Scope and Contents Colour illustration of the Union Jack on front cover, inside variety programme listing John R. Poole, George Logan, The Lannons, Sam Kelly, The Tree Avenue Girls, M. Joanny and The Murus Comedy Four, descriptions of sights in england, Vienna, Petrograd, Berlin, Brussells, Paris, scenes of WWI including Kitchener's army, the sinking of Kaise Whilheml der Grosse, mine sweeping, camp and hospital scenes and lyrics to the national anthems of the allies and other popular songs such as It's a Long...
Dates: c1920 - 1929

Hamilton and Overend's New Patented Royal Panorama Programme, c1876 - 1882

Reference code: 178K53.26
Scope and Contents Grecian Hall, Barnstaple, The war, The German Rhine at sunrise, The falls of Schaffhausan, The lake of Constance, The Bavarian mountains, Kehl on the Rhine, Imperial Paris, The river Seine, Notre Dame, The heights of Monmartre and St. Denis, Berlin, The Anhault railway station, The heights of Spicheren, The battler of Wissenberg, The Prussian attack, The Landwehr, The town of Forbach, The Thanksgiving Day, St. Paul's, Grand Triumphal Arch, The Prince of Wales, The Queen, Conclusion of the...
Dates: c1876 - 1882

Hamilton's Excursions and Panstereorama of Passing Events Programme, c1880

Reference code: 178K53.11
Scope and Contents Britain's glories on sea and land, Africa, Waterloo, Balaclava, Rorke's Drift, Egypt, Trafalgar, Ye Story of Dick Whittington by James J. Blood. Red type on off white background and black and white illustrations of a cavalry charge, a man's portrait in a shield with militaria and flags behind, a large sailing ship, a steam ship and a red and black border on the front cover, inside programme, Dick Whittington's play and commercial advertising for The White Star Line steamer, on back cover...
Dates: c1880

Harry H. Hamilton's Panstereorama of Passing Events Programme, c1880 - 1889

Reference code: 178K53.21
Scope and Contents America, Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, British deeds of valour, Soudan incident, General GordonĀ“s fate, Mr H.D. Glover, Mr Walter Osborne, singing act, Mr Arthur Sullivan, comedy act, Miss Emmie Watson, singing act, Mr Stuart Cowell, comedy act, Mr Bob Matin, Miss Ethel Silvena, comedy act, Messrs Waters and Kelly, comedy act, Harry H. Hamilton's original O.I.C.M. minstrels and celebrated Blondin mules. Green type and illustrations of buildingings, weapons and a portrait on an easel on...
Dates: c1880 - 1889

Harry Poole's Greatest Myriorama Programme, 27 February 1893

Reference code: 178K53.48
Scope and Contents Assembly Rooms, Cheltenham, The approach, engagement and destruction of The Spanish Armada, St. Paul'd Cathedral,Buckingham Palace, Newcastle-on-Tyne, The Forth Bridge, Ireland, Mechanical set of shipping, Newhaven, Crossing the Channel, Paris, Italy, Switzerland, St. Gothard Tunnel, Vienna, St. Petersburgh, Adrianople during the war, The Holy Land, Ceylon, India, China, Japan, New Zealand, San Francisco, Trinidad, The West Indies, New York, Egypt, The Soudan, Battle of Kirbekan, Stanley in...
Dates: 27 February 1893

Hengler's Grand Cirque Poster, c1879 - 1889

Reference code: 178R53.24
Scope and Contents

Brunswich Road, Liverpool. Blue type on white background, Poole & Young's new excursions, Zulu War, Rorke's Drift, Cetywayou the Zulu King, The Dioramic Effects, Electric light, singers and ventriloquists, Miss Mary Townley, Mr W. D'Almaine, Le Petite Maud and the Petit Charlie, Mr Felix Somers, Mr Frank Freeland. Printed by Stafford and Co., Printers and Engravers Nottingham.

Dates: c1879 - 1889

J. Poole's Myriorama Booklet, c1900 - 1999

Reference code: 178Z64.8
Scope and Contents London to Pretoria. Colour illustrations of a bustling city on top section, on bottom section view of military parade and soldiers raising the Union Jack, in the centre black and white photograph of Joseph Poole in a medallion surrounded by flags on the front cover, inside introduction, description of sights in England, Europe and South Africa, descriptions of scenes from the Transvaal war including Colenso, Paardeburg and Elandslaagte, followed by scenes in india, China, Hong Kong, Boston,...
Dates: c1900 - 1999

J. Poole's Myriorama Booklet, c1900 - 1999

Reference code: 178Z64.10
Scope and Contents London to Pretoria, Dark green and whilte illustrations of a bustling city on top section, on bottom section view of military parade and soldiers raising the Union Jack, in the centre black and white photograph of Joseph Poole in a medallion surrounded by flags on the front cover, inside introduction, description of sights in England, Europe and South Africa, descriptions of scenes from the Transvaal war including Colenso, Paardeburg and Elandslaagte, followed by scenes in India, China, Hong...
Dates: c1900 - 1999

Joseph Poole's Myriorama Booklet, c1890 - 1899

Reference code: 178Z64.9
Scope and Contents Sights of the world and passing events. Colour illustration of a navy ship, a scene in Africa and a cityscape with a crowd and blue and white photographs of Joseph Poole and J. Wolseley Poole on the front cover, inside introduction, description of scenes in London, Liverpool, Dublin, New York, Canada the Spanish-American war, Artic Regions, St. Petersburg, South Africa, the slave trade in central Africa, the Soudan war, India, the Frontier war, Constantinople, Vienna, Paris and others, The...
Dates: c1890 - 1899

Joseph Poole's New Myriorama Programme, 23 December 1889

Reference code: 178K53.16
Scope and Contents Victoria Hall, Southsea,London Bridge,Fishmonger's Hall, Thames embarkment, Westminster Abbey, Victoria Station, Portsmouth, Ireland, The Lakes of Killarney, A tableau of Bristol, Liverpool, New York, Niagara Falls, The Artic Regions, Russia, St. Petersburgh, Bulgaria, Tirnova, Sophia, Varna, The Suez Canal, Egypt, India, Calcutta, Delhi, Afghanistan, Burmese war, The Great Wall of China, Holy Land, The Mediterranean sea, Naples, The carnaval at Rome, Holland and Belgium, Mr Harry Stewart,...
Dates: 23 December 1889

Joseph Poole's New Myriorama Programme, 8 January 1900

Reference code: 178K53.56
Scope and Contents Town Hall, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Grand re-opening, The Boer War, General Buller's March, The Battle of Elandslaagte, Charing Cross, London, The Royal Navy Review, Osborne, The Bay of Biscay, River Tagus, Gibraltar, Alexandria, Interior of the mosque of El Choree, Our troops at the Pyramids, The Sphinx, Manfalout, The Temple of Karnac, Erment, Elephantina, The Throne of Pharaoh at Philae, Nubia, Abou Simbel, Battle of Tamai, Khartoum, South Africa, General Buller's march, The slave trade,...
Dates: 8 January 1900

Joseph Pool's New Eclipse Myriorama Guide Book and Songs, c1880 - 1889

Reference code: 178Z64.6
Scope and Contents Joseph Poole's new eclipse myriorama picturesque trips abroad all over the world, containing an introduction, descriptions of sights including Dover, Calais, Paris, Turin, Rome, Ancona, Constantinople, Gallipoli, Shumla, Cyprus and battles in Egypt and the Soudan, Stanley's expedition to central Africa, the Suez Canal, India, China, Russia, Europe, America and Great Britain, followed by the lyrics to The Mountain Guide, On, Staley On, Toll Gate, Irish Colleen, When the Lights are Low, Ducth...
Dates: c1880 - 1889

Large Victoria Rooms Poster, c1889

Reference code: 178R53.57
Scope and Contents

Clifton. Patronised by the Right Worshipful The Mayor G.W. Edwards, all the latest war songs, more new scenes with dioramic changes, St Petersburgh to Constantinople, visiting every place of interest during the late war, Strage and Wilson's New Diorama of the Russo-Turkish Campaign, Vocal and Instrumental music, The Band. Blue type on off white silk. Printed by Taylor Bros., Printers, Baldwin Street Bristol.

Dates: c1889

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  • Subject: War X

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Archival Object 63
Collection 1
Acrobats 3
Aerialists 4
Anglo-Afghan Wars 8
Anglo-Burmese War, 3rd, 1885 4
Anglo-Egyptian War, 1882 33