Drewe, Noel, Active 1927 - 1995 (Circus Enthusiast)
- Existence: Active 1927 - 1995
Noel Drewe was a circus historian and collector as well as an avid film enthusiast with a keen flair for filmmaking.
He made short films shot on 8mm featuring an eclectic mix of fairground experiences, illustrating the pleasures of Battersea fun fair, Southend-on-Sea, Kent seaside, Folkstone, Clacton and Southsea on Kodachrome colour film stock.
Found in 343 Collections and/or Records:
Circus Scene Film, c1965 - 1979
Super8. Filmed from the television, possibly featuring a Welsh Circus.
Circus Slickers Film, 1939
16mm, Kodak Movie Reel. 325 feet, 9 minutes long. Black and white with sound. Includes extract from 'You Can't Cheat an Honest Man' starring W.C. Fields. Copied to DVD 3 and DIGI-BETA.
Circus Slickers Film, c1965 - 1979
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. Super8, Universal 8 Films. 9 minutes long. Black and white, silent, subtitled edition. Printed lable reads, "From 'You Can't Cheat an Honest Man'." Includes W. C. Fields.
Circus Sliker Film, c1945 - 1990
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. 16mm, Universal Pictures. 300 feet. Black and white, with sound. Home movie release of 'You Can’t Cheat and Honest Man', starring W.C. Fields.
Circus Spell Binders and Rings Around the World Films, c1965 - 179
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. Super8, Boots. 300 feet, 20 minutes long. Includes Bertram Mills Circus. Silent. Sound strip. Copied to DVD 6 and DIGI-BETA.
Circus Spell Binders and Three Comedy Short Films, c1965 - 1979
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. Super8, Grasso. Castle Films. Black and white, silent. Possible soundtrack. Label on the side of the box reads 'Mixture..'. Possible compilation that includes Circus Spell Binders. However, it is on a 'std 8mm' label and may have been left on buy mistake. Supplied by C. W. Cramp.
Circus Spell Binders Film, c1945 - 1960
9.5mm, Pathe. Castle Films, Produced by United World Films Inc. 300 feet, 12 minutes long. Black and white.
Circus Spell Binders Film, c1945 - 1965
16mm. 400 feet, 11 minutes long. Black and white with sound. Includes USA circus. Date stock could mean 1945 or 1965. Copied to DVD 1 and DIGI-BETA.
Circus Suckers and The Greatest Show On Earth Parts 1 and 2 Films, c1965 - 1979
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. Super8, Boots. 350 feet, 23 minutes long. Includes W.C. Fields.
Circus Thrills Film, c1945 - 1965
8mm, Castle Films. Black and white, with Sound. Complete edition. Includes Great Acts of the Centre Ring. Contains the Castle Film catalogue. Copied to DVD 6 and DIGI-BETA.
Circus Thrills Film, c1945 - 1960
16mm, Agfa. 4 minutes long. Black and White, Silent. Includes Bertram Mills Circus. Clapham Park Films Studios. Copied on DVD 4 and DIGI-BETA.
Circus Time Film, c1945 - 1960
9.5mm, a Novascope Film Release. 200 feet, 8 minutes long. Black and white, silent. Includes Bertram Mills Circus, footage from ‘It’s the Circus’ parts 1 and 2, and ‘Circus Thrills’.
Circus Time Film, c1945 - 1960
Circusama and Yesterdays Circus Today. 9.5mm, Cyldon. 200 feet, 8 minutes long. Black and white, silent. Includes Bertram Mills Circus, footage from ‘It’s the Circus’ parts 1 and 2 and ‘Circus Thrills’. Supplied by C. W. Cramp.
Circus World Film, c1965 - 1979
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. Super8, Eumig. 400 feet, 20 minutes long. In Colour, with Sound. Also known as The Magnificent Showman. Extracts only. Copied to DVD 7 and DIGI-BETA.
Circus World Film, c1965 - 1979
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. Super8. 400 feet, 20 minutes long. In colour, with Sound. Also known as The Magnificent Showman. Extracts only. Copied to DVD 7 and DIGI-BETA.
Circus World Part 1 Film, c1965 - 1979
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. Super8. Possibly the same as 'Circus World', or an extract from it. No titles or anything on the leader.
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today Film, c1962 - 1993
Clash by Night and London Zoo Film, 1952
8mm, RKO Pictures. Black and white, with some colour scenes. Silent. Features extracts from 'Clash by Night' starring Robert Ryan, Barbara Stanwych, Marilyn Monroe and Paul Douglas. Also includes scenes from London Zoo, and female striptease nudity, along with extracts from other films such as Stan Laurel in 'Kill or Cure' and 'Charlie Dines Out'.
Clash by Night, Defective Detectives and The Pawn Shop Film, c1942 - 1965
Circusama, Yesterdays Circus Today. 8mm, 350 Feet. Silent, with both colour and black and white footage. Extracts from commercial films. Includes; Barbara Stanwych and Robert Ryan in 'Clash by Night'. Harrison Marks in 'Defective Detectives'. Charles Chaplin, Edna Purviance and Eric Campbell in 'The Pawn Shop'. Also features animal scenes from London Zoo, Indian Elephants and Hawiian girls.
Clyde Beatty's Animal Thrills Film, c1945 - 1960
Circusama and Yesterdays Circus Today. 9.5mm, Pathetoscope, Castle Films. Black and white, silent. Contained in a 16mm can with 16mm collection. Copied to DVD 4 and DIGI-BETA.
Additional filters:
- Type
- Archival Object 342
- Collection 1
- Subject
- Acrobats 7
- Aerialists 9
- Amusement rides 4
- Animal trainers 8
- Animals 103
- Boxing 8
- Caricatures and cartoons 3
- Circus 205
- Circus workers 1
- Clowning 9
- Comedians 29
- Equestrians 3
- Fairground art 2
- Fairs 21
- Jugglers 4
- Knife throwing 3
- Magic 5
- Motion pictures 118
- Music 3
- Performers 28
- Puppets 1
- Ringmaster 3
- Showman 5
- Striptease 8
- Stunt performers 6
- Transport 7
- Wild west 5
- World's fairs and expositions 1
- Wrestling 4
- Zoos 20 + ∧ less