Redfern, Jasper, 1871 - 1928
- Existence: 1871 - 1928
Jasper Redfern, was trained as a photographer but established a sideline as one of the earliest adopters of the cinematograph in the North of England. With a Kineopticon (a projector supplied by Birt Acres, a pioneer of cinematography) he presented a double-bill of film and x-ray demonstrations at the Sheffield YMCA in September 1896. An interactive and intimate show, the portability of the new device meant that Redfern could readily capitalise on public interest in the invention, and immediately target the smaller towns and venues overlooked by the major cinematograph tours.
A one-off show during the interval of a local Christmas pantomime gave Redfern his first break into the music hall circuit, and a regular supply of new and topical material ensured that he could present a new show to any venue he returned to. With an interest still vested in his photography studio, Redfern presented film without the constant pressure to travel and find new audiences.
In 1898, Redfern obtained exclusive contracts to tour the prominent film of the Corbett and Fitzsimmons boxing match of 1897. This, along with a number of high profile films of local sports events, marked a step towards the headline feature as an event in itself, and with a view towards securing return audiences week after week.
Redfern also tapped into new markets outside the scope of conventional exhibition by offering a complete evening's entertainment to church groups, clubs and societies. Outside the catchment of local and trade press, the practice introduced new audiences to cinema for the first time and, in combination with specially commissioned local titles, helped cement a public affiliation to the new medium.
Frustrated by the limitations of the music hall circuit and having thoroughly exhausted many of the non-theatrical spaces in and around Sheffield, Redfern struck into new territory in 1904 by pitching his own theatre on a beach outside Southend. With deckchairs for stalls, and a tent to cover the rafters Redfern brought his own programme of film and variety performers to the seaside resort for the summer. The venture successfully addressed a niche in the still open market, yet the concerns of the local licensing authorities over the non-permanent structure ultimately made this a short-term venture and it ran for two seasons.
Redfern's business grew through the following years, at one time holding the lease to four large near-permanent cine-variety shows in cities across the UK. As the industry moved towards larger distribution chains and a system of film rentals, Redfern's approach struggled to adapt to audience and market expectations. As the 1909 Cinematograph act enshrined the fixed-venue cinema show, Redfern's place in the market dwindled, unable as he was to find the financial stability to grow and remain relevant in the face of growing competition.
As the industry grew beyond the scope of a single operator, the entrepreneur eventually returned to his original second act, as an experienced x-ray photographer. Following duty as a field radiologist in the War, Redfern settled as a radiologist at the Grangethorpe hospital in Manchester.
Jasper Redfern died in 1928.
Found in 91 Collections and/or Records:
Abbeydale Primitive Methodist Church Programme, 31 December 1900
A Grand Sacred Concert and Cinematograph representation of the Oberammergau Passion Play, by Mr Jasper Redfern. 4pp.
Agricultural Hall, Norwich Programme, c1900 - 1920
Featuring Jasper Redfern's Animated Pictures. 8pp, Fold-out.
Albert Hall, Cookridge Street, Leeds Programme, c1900 - 1920
Christmas Entertainment. Featuring Jasper Redfern's Cinematographic representation of the Passion Play. 4pp. Printed by Fred R. Spark and Son, City Printing Works, Cookridge Street, Leeds.
Albert Hall, Sheffield Programme, 16 December 1899
Jasper Redfern's New Views. 4pp.
Albert Hall, Sheffield Programme, 17 February 1900
Jasper Redfern's Boer War Pictures, and other acts. 4pp.
Aldenham Institute Lantern Society Programme, 27 January 1900
H. Jasper Redfern's Cinematograph Entertainment. 4pp.
Animated Picture Exhibition Rules, c1900 - 1920
Rules for animated picture and cinematograph exhibitions. Typed.
Assembly Hall, Saltburn Handbill, 10 June c1900 - 1920
A Grand Sacred Concert and Cinematograph representation, by Mr Jasper Redfern, of the 'Oberammergau' Passion Play. Printed by H. Hamilton, Saltburn, 4pp.
Athenaeum, Lancaster Programme, c1900 - 1920
Jasper Redfern's High Class Concert and Variety Entertainment. Louie Lawrence - Vocalist. Herbert Betts - Comedian. Jasper Redfern's Animated photographs. Mr J. E. Linstead - Vocalist. Mr George Dinnie - Gladiatorial Display and Weight-lifting. Phonometograph. 4pp.
Bolsover Colliery Cricket Club Programme, 14 February 1900
Grand Concert and Exhibition of Animated Photographs. 4pp. 2 Copies.
Business Records, 1903 - 1906
Collection of Jasper Redfern Business Records.
Castleford’s Market Employees’ Eighth Annual Tea & Concert Programme, 5 March 1901
H. Jasper Redfern's Animated Pictures, and other acts. 4pp.
Catholic Social Union, St Mary’s boys’ Club, Sheffield Programme, 19 February 1900
Mr Jasper Redfern's Cinematograph, and other acts. 4pp.
Central Cycling Club, Cambridge Hall, Sheffield Programme, 18 January 1900
Mr Jasper Redfern's Cinematograph, Local and War views. 4pp.
Central Hall, Norfolk Street Poster, c1900 - 1920
Sir Henry Irvines Funeral - J. Redfern.
Central Hall, Norfolk Street, Sheffield Poster, c1900 - 1920
Jasper Redfern's Animated Pictures. Bill is in two pieces, but has other acts. Printed by Willson's New Walk Colour Printing Works, Leicester. Red and Blue.
Central Hall, Norfolk Street, Sheffield Poster, 11 December [1905]
Charles Coborn - The Man who Broke the 'Bank of Monte Carlo'. The Banzai-Parez - Musical Troupe; Jasper Redfern's Animated Pictures - How Money is Made; Harland and Rollison - famous comedy musicians.
Central Hall, Norfolk Street, Sheffield Poster, 4 December 1905
Norfolk Street, Sheffield. Jasper Redfern's Animated pictures and Grand Vaudeville Company. Life of the Notorious Charles Peace. Whale Hunting in the Shetland Isles. Lilian Brothers - athletic act. Fred Hudson - entertainer and mimic. Lil Neville - vocalist. Cytoza, the artist’s model. Printed by Williams, New Walk Colour Printing Works, Leicester. Red and blue type on off white background with red border.
Central Hall Poster, 25 September c1900 - 1920
Norfolk Street, Sheffield. Jasper Redfern's Animated Pictures and Vaudeville Entertainment. Gravetta and Parr - impersonators, comedy and juggling. Percy Farrimonde - singer. Madame Gavetta - vocalist. Stanert and Yondi - musical entertainers. Imperial Concert Orchestra. Printed by Jas Neville, 134 Carver St. Moorhead, Sheffield. Blue type on off white background with blue border.