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W. E. Berry Ltd (1888 - 2004)



  • Existence: 1888 - 2004


The W.E. Berry Ltd printing company was founded by William Edward Berry in the early 1900s after taking over his father’s printing company and splitting with his business partner. The original company had been founded by William Berry in 1888 at 13 Currer Street in Bradford to print advertising posters. Business soon started to specialise in the railway and entertainment sector, specially the circus industry and over time became one of the most significant printers of entertainment posters in the UK.

In the 1920s the company started to print posters for the film industry after W.E. Berry met Fred Martin at Paramount Pictures. This developed into a lucrative partnership with Berry becoming one of only three companies in Britain to specialise in printing large format posters. Successive contracts with Disney and Columbia arrived, turning Berry into one of the leading producers and distributors of film posters in the UK. Some of the most famous posters include Star Wars (1977) and Flash Gordon (1980).

The mid of the twentieth century saw the production of Berry’s most beautiful and sought posters in the entertainment sector and the company continued experiencing success until the end of the late 1990s when it employed around 140 people, including Chief Illustrator Leon Crossley and a team of freelance commercial artists. However, by the early twentieth century Berry’s fortunes started to turn and after heavy financial losses the company went into administration in 2004, ceasing business on the 4th day of February that year.

Found in 147 Collections and/or Records:

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1952

Reference code: 178R47.154
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul, Knie's lions and tigers presented by Trubka, Ghezzi Brothers, Rose Gold Trio, Tosca de Lac, Knie's horses and zebras presented by Wenzel Kossmayer, Rogge Sisters, Duncan's Collies, Jacky Lupescu, The Oliveras, Little Jimmy, Annette's Circusettes, Jimmy Scott, Knie's animal carousel presented by Douglas Kossmayer, Knie's baby elephants presented by Wenzel Kossmayer, Edith Crocker's bear. Colour illustrations of a clown, aerial acrobats, a tiger and a lion, two...
Dates: 1952

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1963

Reference code: 178R47.155
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli and his Company, The Great Pusztai Troupe, The Flying Zemgannos, Los Onas, Rudi Llata, Ruppert's bears, Knie's lions, tigers, leopards, polar bear, panthers and black bear presented by Eugen Weidmann, Baranton Sisters, Robert Brothers's elephants presented by Edith Schickler, Sacha Houcke's Ben-Hur, Roman riding, Sacha Houcke and Edith Schickler high school act, The Hermanis, Desmond and Marks, The Bearis. Colour illustrations of a clown, a lion, a tiger, a polar bear, and...
Dates: 1963

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1957

Reference code: 178R47.157
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul, Krone's ponies and polar bears presented by Jozsi Vinicky, Krone's Arabian horses presented by Doris Arndt, Excess Baggage presented by Alma Michaels, Flying Marilees, Five Cristianis, Nino Rubio, Bedini Troupe, Yokoi Troupe, Aerial Chapmans, Little Jimmy, Golden Linders, Frances Duncan. Colour illustrations of a clown, monkeys in clothes, a polar bear balancing on a ball, two horses, two ponies pulling carts and a man on a ladder balancing teacups on his head,...
Dates: 1957

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1954

Reference code: 178R47.158
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul, Knie's panthers, polar bears, black bears, lions and tigers presented by August Natsch, Three Craddocks, Vivian and Tassi, 4 Ramses, 2 Rassos, Harold Gautier's Excess Baggage presented by Alma Michaels, The 7 Eagles, Two Cherks, Fattini, Knie's radio horses and wist drive horses presented by Wenzel Kossmayer, Argentine Pony Express presented by Douglas Kossmayer, dancing horse and his Partner Sandry presented by Douglas Kossmayer and George Ruzsa, Jimmy Scott,...
Dates: 1954

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1938

Reference code: 178R47.162
Scope and Contents Hagenbeck's Elephants presented by Walter Kaden, Crocker's Teddy bears, Dario Bario Family clowns, Rubrio Sisters equilibrists, Capt. Tommy Kayes with his lions, Lopez Trio with Victor Fratellini comedy aerial gymnasts, Flying Alizes, Ellen Octavio animal trainer, Doodles clown, 3 Van Normans, Ryders 3, Camilla Caroli Troupe riding act, The Crystal Wonders, The Tower Mermaids. White, yellow, red and blue type on blue, red, yellow and green background with colour illustrations of clown heads...
Dates: 1938

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1939

Reference code: 178R47.163
Scope and Contents Emmi Truzzi equestrian act, Four Lazanders comedy acrobatics, Anjolys 3 high perch, Lou Lenny with her Comedy Circus, Van Norman Trio clowns, 5 Phantoms gladiators, Doodles clown, Despard and Charley French clowns, Marfrano Sisters shorthand acrobats, Le Beaute Noire high school act, The Tower Circus diving nymphs, 3 Jovellis trapeze, Four Australian Air Ages motor cycling acrobatics. Main background is blue with white stars, type is multicoloured on multicoloured background. Printed by W....
Dates: 1939

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1939

Reference code: 178R47.164
Scope and Contents

15 Devils of the Forest presented by Alfred Court big cat act, Emmy Truzzi equestrian act, Cairoli Trio clowns, Lou Lenny with her kicking mules, 7 Martinettes acrobats, Omega Trio, equilibrists, Doodles clown, Cavalini's canine comedians, 3 Van Normans, The Great Wallendas high wire. Main background is blue with white stars, main title in yellow, type in red and blue on a white background. Printed by W. E. Berry.

Dates: 1939

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1945

Reference code: 178R47.165
Scope and Contents

Chesnut Octette equestrian act, Elephant Revue by the Six Sisters Jumbo, Victor Julian with his dogs and monkeys, Lai Founs, Chinese wonders, The Rosinas, George and Jack Dormonde, Coco and Michael and Family, Fred Sylvester and his Nephews, Three Austins clowns, Swan and Leigh comedy gymnasts, Olsen and his seal, Prince Zahoor, 16 Annette's Circusettes. Main background is blue with white stars, type multicoloured on a white background. Printed by W. E. Berry Ltd.

Dates: 1945

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1958

Reference code: 178R47.167
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul clowns, Three Merkys comedy acrobatics, Rih-Aruso, Mills boxing chimpanzees presented by Willem Lenz, Knie's panthers, tigers, lions, polar and black bears and leopards presented by Eugen Weidmann, Knie's sea lions, 6 Flying De Pauls, 3 Antares, 3 Chiesas, Maurice and May, Alma Piaia, Ivan Bratuchin and his Cossack riders, Krone's Liberty horses presented by Jozsi Vinicky, Manja Vinicky and her high school acts, Little Jimmy. Colour illustrations of a clown, a...
Dates: 1958

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1959

Reference code: 178R47.168
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul clowns, Schickler Sisters, Josef Wiesner's 7 tigers presented by Helene Pimmer, Knie's log rolling elephants presented by Ruppert Bemmerl, 4 Palacios, Eldino and assistant, Trio Morlidor, Tibor Alexander's dogs, The Great Barton, The Great Pusztai Troupe, Carmel Gowan, The Two Angelos, 4 Dubowys, Knie's Tiger horses presented by Edith Schickler, Knie's 18 ponies presented by Ingrid Schickler, Hoppe's kicking mule. Colour illustrations of a clown, an elephant and a...
Dates: 1959

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1960

Reference code: 178R47.169
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli and his Company clown, The Bob Gerry Troupe, 5 Amandis, Knie's chimpanzees by Dudi Smith, The Myrons, Fattini, Schaller Bros, 2 Balcombes, 3 Houcs, The Cycling Therons, King King, Our Sammy, Little Jimmy, Gerb Siemoneit's animals from Benneweis, Sacha Houke presents Knie's horses, Rupert Bemmerl presents Knie's elephants. Colour illustrations of a clown and clothed chimpanzees at the top, a lion and a tiger at the bottom, acts listed in multicoloured fonts against...
Dates: 1960

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1961

Reference code: 178R47.170
Scope and Contents

Charlie Cairoli and Company. Colour illustration of a clown on a rocket in space with a collection of circus animals, monkeys, an elephant, a cat and a giraffe, background is a blue and purple night sky, type multicoloured. Printed by W. E. Berry.

Dates: 1961

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1965

Reference code: 178R47.171
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli and his Company, Ferdinando Jarz Troupe, Robert Bros 5 baby elephants presented by Dickie Baker, 3 Merkys, D'Angoly Jnr, Arno and Rita Van Bolen, The Tower Circusettes, Circus A Althoff's Liberty horses presented by F R Althoff, Circus A Althoff's Shetland ponies presented by Helene Althoff, Hoppe's kicking mule, 8 Jungle Queens presented by Captain Sidney Howes, 6 Biasinis, 5 Olanders, Skating Bredos, Dogsi's football dogs, The Trio Puerto Rico, Alma Piana. Colour...
Dates: 1965

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1966

Reference code: 178R47.172
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli and his Company, Gerd Siemoneit's lions, tigers, leopards, pumas and panther, Ruppert's bears, Rogana, Seven Lukacs, Jörgen and Conny, Desmond and Marks, Circus A Althoff's eight Arab Liberty horses presented by Franz Althoff Jnr, Maryse Begary, Tower Circusettes, Roberto Mariani Trio, triple high school by Franz Althoff Jnr, Elene Althoff and Evi Barrtch, 5 Medifreds, The Ascots. Colour illustrations of a clown, a leopard, a panther and a bear on a tall bicycle, type and...
Dates: 1966

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1967

Reference code: 178R47.173
Scope and Contents

Charlie Cairoli and his Company, Flying Leotaris, Taras Bulba and his tigers, Max and Barbara Morris with their sea-lions, Tibor Alexander and his Dog Revue, The 3 Villams, Tower Circusettes, Baily Fossettt's elephants and ponies presented by Ivor Rosaire, The Great Barton, Jean Claude, Gina The Girl in the Moon, Goldy the horse with Jack Rosaire, The Gerardis, Desmond and Marks, The Wilsons. Colour illustration of a clown, type and background multicoloured. Printed by W. E. Berry Ltd.

Dates: 1967

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1954

Reference code: 178R47.186
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul, Knie's panthers, polar bears, black bears, lions and tigers presented by August Natsch, Three Craddocks, Vivian and Tassi, 4 Ramses, 2 Rassos, Harold Gautier's Excess Baggage presented by Alma Michaels, The 7 Eagles, Two Cherks, Fattini, Knie's radio horses and wist drive horses presented by Wenzel Kossmayer, Argentine Pony Express presented by Douglas Kossmayer, dancing horse and his Partner Sandry presented by Douglas Kossmayer and George Ruzsa, Jimmy Scott,...
Dates: 1954

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1953

Reference code: 178R47.187
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul clowns, 8 Flying Croneras, Fischer's elephants, 5 Hansels, John, The Balladinis, 5 Talos, Knie's Legionnaires equestrian act, Klant's lions presented by Tarzana, 2 Canters, Karl Kossmayers unrideable mule, Jimmy Scott, Little Jimmy, Annette's Circusettes, Carola's cockatoos and parrots, Trio Olympiads. Colour illustrations of lion and tamer, clown, aerial acrobat, elephant and a man on horseback, main background blue with a red stage curtain at the top, type red on...
Dates: 1953

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1952

Reference code: 178R47.188
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli with Paul, Knie's lions and tigers presented by Trubka, Ghezzi Brothers, Rose Gold Trio, Tosca de Lac, Knie's horses and zebras presented by Wenzel Kossmayer, Rogge Sisters, Duncan's collies, Jacky Lupescu, The Oliveras, Little Jimmy, Annette's Circusettes, Jimmy Scott, Knie's animal carousel presented by Douglas Kossmayer, Knie's baby elephants presented by Wenzel Kossmayer, Edith Crocker's bear. Colour illustrations of a clown, aerial acrobats, a tiger and a lion, two...
Dates: 1952

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1961

Reference code: 178R47.189
Scope and Contents

Charlie Cairoli and Company. Colour illustration of a clown on a rocket in space with a collection of circus animals, monkeys, an elephant, a cat and a giraffe, background is a blue and purple night sky, type multicoloured. Printed by W. E. Berry.

Dates: 1961

Blackpool Tower Circus Poster, 1960

Reference code: 178R47.190
Scope and Contents Charlie Cairoli and his Company clown, The Bob Gerry Troupe, 5amandis, Knie's chimpanzees by Dudi Smith, The Myrons, Fattini, Schaller Bros, 2 Balcombes, 3 Houcs, The Cycling Therons, King King, Our Sammy, Little Jimmy, Gerb Siemoneit's animals from Benneweis, Sacha Houke presents Knie's horses, Rupert Bemmerl presents Knie's elephants. Colour illustrations of a clown and clothed chimpanzees at the top, a lion and a tiger at the bottom, acts listed in multicoloured fonts against...
Dates: 1960

Additional filters:

Archival Object 144
Collection 3
Acrobats 25
Aerialists 48
Animal trainers 14
Animals 110
Art 1