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Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Scope Note: Performers

Found in 253 Collections and/or Records:

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 4 July 1904

Reference code: 178R12.151
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Lind? From The Tivoli, London, Harry Grey The Australian Nugget, Haig and Novel Clever Acrobatic Comedy Act, Professor Hulbert Ventriloquist, Billy Richardson The Black Orator, Mons. Delil Conjuror and Card Expert, Carlotta Mayson Characteristic Vocalist, Cora Gray Comedienne, The Bioscope, Brothers Lloddge Athletics and Silver Chain Acrobats. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.

Dates: 4 July 1904

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 19 September 1904

Reference code: 178R12.155
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Valazzi Juggler and Equilibrist, Lily Marney The Spanish-Irish Girl, The Four Ramlos Acrobatic and Comedy Bar Performers, Minnie Cunningham Singer, Professor Bernar King of Marionettes, Barney Vox Ventriloquist, Lily Lonsdale Soprano Vocalist, Ernie Myers Dialect Comedian and Dancer, Sydney Lee Prince of Magic, Jimson’s Comedy Animal Act introducing his Latest Novelty, The Talking Pig. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red...
Dates: 19 September 1904

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 3 April 1905

Reference code: 178R12.158
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Mark Sheridan Comedian, Marguerite Broadfoot Comedienne and Vocalist, Malcolm Scott Comic Philosophy, Albert Le Fre Comedian, Pantomimist and Dancer, Frazer and Mac in Rich Rare and Racy Gems of Thought, Victor Travers Burlesque Coon Comedian, Sisters Warner Acrobatic Dancers, Mack Olive The Clever Siffleur, Cissy Curlette Comedienne and Mimic, Bob Hutt Comedian, The Bioscope, The Mozondos Eccentric Acrobatics and Barrel Jumpers. Printed by S....
Dates: 3 April 1905

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 29 July 1907

Reference code: 178R12.170
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Primrose Quartette Vocalists, Baker and De Sales American Comedy Act, The Three Royal Temples Operatic Vocalists, E.R. Dainez and his Famous Animals, Prof. Hulbert Ventriloquist, Frank Leslie Vocal Comedian, Bros. Brasso Burlesque Acrobats and Comedy rampolines, De Lil Illusionist, The Royal Bioscope, 8 of Hearts Vocalists and Clever Dancers. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue, yellow, green and red type.

Dates: 29 July 1907

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 30 September 1907

Reference code: 178R12.172
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. James Mooney and Ida Holbein Songs and Acrobatic Dancing, Maide Scott Comedienne, Dusty Rhodes Comedy Merchant, George Collins Quaint Comedian, Lieut. Travis Ventriloquist, Ivy May Vocalist and Dancer, Talberto and Douglas Comedy, The Royal Bioscope, Ike and Will Scott Comedians. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue, yellow, green and red type.

Dates: 30 September 1907

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 1 August 1910

Reference code: 178R12.177
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Jack Pleasants Comedian, Jessie Merriless-la Cigale, Moon and Morris Comedians and Dancers, Millie Howell Character Vocalist, Miss Teddy Edmunds’ Company Present "The Lady Jockey" a Sporting Farce, Nellie Farrell Irish Singer, Larry Lewis Comedian, Brown’s Royal Bioscope, Violet Stockelle Comedienne and Dancer, Brothers Bradshaw Acrobatic Comedians. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Blue and red type.

Dates: 1 August 1910

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 31 May 1897

Reference code: 178R12.110
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Farrell and Wilmott Irish Comedians, Mr J.P. Dane Comedian and Dancer, Miss Cora Duncan Serio Comedienne and Burlesque Dancer, Ernest Heathcote Eccentric Comedian and Acrobatic Dancer, Little May Beryl Child Contralto and Clever Dancer, Percy Cahill Character and escriptive Vocalist, Polly Plunkett Serio Comedienne and Dancer, Hartley Milburns’s Rosebuds Lady Dancers, Whit Week! Arthur Rigby, May Evans, Nellie Christie, Paul Langtry. Printed by S....
Dates: 31 May 1897

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 29 January 1900

Reference code: 178R12.121
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. The Garrisons Burlesque Artiste, Four M.P.’s Musical Palmers, The Kronemans Comedy Acrobats and Hand Balancers, Madden Wood Knockabout Comedians, Evelyn Taylor Serio Comic Vocalist and Dancer, Daisy Palmer Comedienne, Vocalist and Dancer, The Edison Thomas Animated Photos Interesting and Military Pictures, The Donato One-Legged Grotesque and Cosmopolitan Athletic Clowns. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, typeers, Liverpool. Blue, red and yellow type.

Dates: 29 January 1900

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 14 January 1901

Reference code: 178R12.129
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Signor Pepi Italy’s Greatest Quick Change Artist, Animated Photographs of Lord Roberts’ Return Produced by the B.B.and R. Royal Bioscope Company, Martin Conway Quaint Comedian, Egyptian Princess Cleopatra Serpent Enchantress, Emma Don Character Comedienne, Collins and Rice American Comedy Vocalist and Dancers, Barton Howard The Human Gramophone, Dora Lyric Burlesque Actress, R.W. Bentley Character Comedian, Boswell’s Novel Stage Circus with Educated...
Dates: 14 January 1901

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 17 February 1902

Reference code: 178R12.131
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Miss Carrie Laurie’s Juveniles in Their Amusing and Laughter Provoking Kindergarten, The Bohemians Musical Comedy, Cora Casselli Italian Dancer, The Jetneys the Apollos of Darktown Aristocracy, Sisters Russell Duettists and Dancers, Professor Hulbert Ventriloquist, Rose Conroy Serio Comedienne, M. Dell Conjuror and Illusionist, Lachie Thompson’s Top weights Musical Acts, Frantz Family-Lady and Gentlemen Acrobats. Printed by S. Griffith and Co,...
Dates: 17 February 1902

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 29 January 1940

Reference code: 178R12.88
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. The Four Aces BBC and Recording Stars, Dominic Roche and Company in 'Home and Duty', Larry Kemble A Darned Nuisance, Wally Wood Comedian, Les Parisanas Musical Moments, Cawalini’s Dogs, The Young China Troupe Contortions and Acrobatics. Printed by A. Sam Griffith Poster, Printed McC. H. Ltd., Liverpool. Red type.

Dates: 29 January 1940

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 11 April 1921

Reference code: 178R12.285
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Harry Weldon Burlesque Character Comedian, Phil and Phlora Acrobatic and Dancing Humoresque, Bert Terrell Dutch Comedian, Eileen Audrey Comedienne, Warnock-Wick Trio Irish Comedy Sketch, George Murphy Fun in a Billiard Room, Brown’s Royal Bioscope in a Series of Novel and Interesting Pictures, Ackroyd Flautist and Rose Hardy Harpiste. Blue and red type.

Dates: 11 April 1921

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 16 May 1921

Reference code: 178R12.286
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. The Sutcliffe Family Scottish Acrobatic Vaudeville, Elizabeth Hyde Soprano Vocalist, Geaiks and Geaiks Eccentrics, Imitateurs, Siffleurs, Foden Williams Vocal Entertainer, Eddie Morrell, Brown’s Royal Bioscope in a Series of Novel and Interesting Pictures, George Turner Left-Handed Cartoonist, Lois Parker and Percy Tarling Humour and Music. Blue and red type.

Dates: 16 May 1921

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 26 September 1921

Reference code: 178R12.293
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Rungamah Somnambulastic Visions, Alfredo Vagabond Violinist, J.H. Scotland Opera Voice, Gerbola Trio Italian Comedy Acrobatic and Tumbling Act, Wilf Burnand Character Comedian, Sisters Martin Harmony Duo, Brown’s Royal Bioscope in a Series of Novel and Interesting Pictures, Fred Kitchen Presents the Beswick Twins. Blue and red type.

Dates: 26 September 1921

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 14 July 1930

Reference code: 178R12.299
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Rupert Hazel and Elsie Day in 'Harmonylarity', The Langue Four Acrobatic Dancers, Grant and Cute the Happy Pair, Two Especials Musical Equilibrists, Olive Dyer, the Pocket Melba, Lew Grade the Dancer With Humorous Feet, Pathe’s Super News Gazette, Johnson and Bert Comedians. Black and red type.

Dates: 14 July 1930

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 14 September 1931

Reference code: 178R12.303
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Rupert Hazell and Elsie Day in 'Harmonylarity', Max Hoffman Comedian, Frank Tully. Black Face Comedian and Jack and Lyle Jeffries Ritz Sisters, Jean and Leslie Juvenile International Speciality Dancers, Maise Hopwood Comedienne Dancer, Pathe’s Super News Gazette, The Argyle Orchestra Under The Direction of Mr. W. H. Sydney Jones, Finch and Babs Comedy Knockabout and Acrobatic Dancing. Black and red type.

Dates: 14 September 1931

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 18 June 1894

Reference code: 178R12.316
Scope and Contents Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Miss Jenny Valmore serio comic vocalist, Mr J.H. Nation The laughing Comic, Sisters Olive duettists and dancers, Messrs Drew and Alders eccentric comedians, vocalists and Acrobatic experts, Little Luna gymnast, Bale troupe in their sensational Japanese entertainment, Mr J. Chippendale Irish character comedian and dancer, Allan and Hart American Speciality Artistes, Duettists and Quick Change Artistes. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers,...
Dates: 18 June 1894

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 18 February 1924

Reference code: 178R12.318
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Fred Barnes Light comedy star, Eric Godley and Leslie Elliott Baritone and piano, The Pall-Malls Artistic Comedy Absurdities, Jack Edwin comedian, Brown’s Royal Bioscope, The Famous Four Christies acrobatic dancers. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Red, blue and yellow type.

Dates: 18 February 1924

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 22 March 1920

Reference code: 178R12.320
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Billy Merson Comedian, Sammy Shields Scottish Comedian, Boy Ronald Juggler, Cissie Lupino In Songs and Dance, Pam and Girls Acrobatic dancing Novelty, Delaney and Lee Duettists, Brown’s Royal Bioscope, Empire Operatic Quartette in gems from popular operas. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Red, blue and yellow type.

Dates: 22 March 1920

Argyle Theatre of Varieties Poster, 15 July 1907

Reference code: 178R12.321
Scope and Contents

Argyle Theatre of Varieties, Birkenhead. Fred Karno’s Comedians in Mumming Birds, Little Dorretta Dainty Dutch Comedian and Acrobatic Sabot dancer, Walker and Lake popular Patter Purveyers, The Grosvenors Singers of popular Melodies, Maston Mimic, Billy Richardson Black Orator, The Royal Bioscope, Ernest Montefiore and Co. In Dramatic Sketch. Printed by S. Griffith and Co, Printers, Liverpool. Red, blue and yellow type.

Dates: 15 July 1907